Employee Time Overview

This section describes the fields and descriptions on the Employee Time Overview report.

The Employee Time Overview report provides two tabs:

  • Billability - This tab provides two tables. The first is a crosstab that shows dates horizontally and the measures Invoiceable, Non-Invoiceable, Total, and Inv. % as rows vertically. The second table displays the same measures as rows and time-sliced columns current month, previous month, current year, previous year, and year-to-date.
  • Utilization - This tab provides tables that are similar to those of the Billability tab. However, this tab uses employee utilization values on activities, instead of the listed measures.
Note: For statically defined horizontal dimensions it means that the individual lines of the table must be defined specifically with individual measures that tie to the individual dimension for each row. This means that for the invoiceable row, the measure cells must state the invoiceable hours; for the non-invoiceable row, the measure cells must state the non-invoiceable hours. As a result, the table is not a clean cross-tab, but it still has the dynamic column behavior of a cross-tab, except that the rows are fixed.
Column Description
Billability Tab, First Cross-Tab
Measure cells The measure that is displayed in the cells of the cross-tab is the number of approved hours (Job Entries).
Horizontal dimension The horizontal dimension is the Entry Date of the Job Entry.
Vertical dimension The vertical dimension statically categorizes the hours into the following:
  • Invoiceable if the job and activity are both invoiceable.
  • Non-invoiceable if either the job or activity is not invoiceable.
  • Total, which includes both invoiceable and non-invoiceable hours.
  • Inv. %, which states the percentage that the invoiceable hours make of the total.
Billability Tab, Second Cross-Tab
Measure cells The measure that is displayed in the cells of the cross-tab is the number of approved hours (Job Entries).
Horizontal dimension The horizontal dimension categorizes the hours according to their Entry Date with regard to the To Date of the date interval that the user who runs the report provides. The categories are:
  • Current Month, Current Year - Hours that have an Entry Date in the month and year of the To Date.
  • Current Month, Previous Year - Hours that have an Entry Date in the Month and previous year of the To Date.
  • Previous Month, Current Year - Hours that have an Entry Date in the previous month and current year of the To Date.
  • Previous Month, Previous Year - Hours that have an Entry Date in the previous month and previous year of the To Date.
The header of the month and year is displayed with the names of the months (such as January) and the number of the year (such as 2012).
Utilization Tab, First Cross-Tab
Measure cells The measure that is displayed in the cells of the cross-tab is the number of approved hours (Job Entries).
Horizontal dimension The horizontal dimension is the Entry Date of the Job Entry.
Vertical dimension The vertical dimension is the Employee Utilization of the activity on the Job Entry.
Utilization Tab, Second Cross-Tab
Horizontal dimension The horizontal dimension categorizes the hours according to their Entry Date with regard to the To Date of the date interval that the user who runs the report provides. The categories are:
  • Current Month, Current Year - Hours that have an Entry Date in the month and year of the To Date.
  • Current Month, Previous Year - Hours that have an Entry Date in the month and previous year of the To Date.
  • Previous Month, Current Year - Hours that have an Entry Date in the previous month and current year of the To Date.
  • Previous Month, Previous Year - Hours that have an Entry Date in the previous month and previous year of the To Date.
The header of the month and year are displayed with the names of the months (such as January) and the number of the year (such as 2012).
Vertical dimension The vertical dimension is the Employee Utilization of the activity on the Job Entry.