Customer Statement

This section describes the fields and descriptions on the Customer Statement report.

The Customer Statement report displays entry information, amounts, and the status of each customer entry that matches the specified restrictions.

This report is a subreport of the Customer Invoice Status and Customer Invoices reports. To link to this report, click Balance by Statement Date on the Customer Invoice Status report or click Balance on the Customer Invoices report.

There are no drill-down levels for this report.

  • The Company title links to the Companies workspace.
  • The Customer title links to the Customers workspace.
  • The Transaction No. column links to the Customer Entries workspace.
  • The Journal No. column links to the Posted Journals workspace.
Column Description
Entry Date This column displays the creation date of the entry.
Due Date This column displays the due date of the entry.
Orig. Due Date This column displays the original due date of the entry
Closing Date This column displays the date on which the entry is considered fully reconciled (closed).
Closed This column displays Yes if the entry is closed and No if the entry is still open.
Transaction No. This column displays the entry's transaction number.
Transaction Type This column displays the entry's transaction type
Transaction Description This column displays the transaction's description.
Debit This column displays the entry's debit amount.
Credit This column displays the entry's credit amount.
Journal No. This column displays the entry's journal number.
Blocking Type This column displays the blocking type.
Blocking Reason This column displays the reason for blocking.