Event Notes

This section describes the fields and descriptions on the Event Notes report.

The Event Notes report displays all notes and associated note lines. Note lines are grouped by the associated note header. There are no drill-down levels for this report.

  • The Event title links to the Events workspace.

Section Columns

Column Description
Note No This column displays the note’s identification number.
Note Description This column displays the note’s description.
Event No This column displays the number of the event with which the note is associated.
Event Descr. This column displays a description of the event with which the note is associated.
Event flow type This column displays the event flow type.

Note Line Columns (Table Part)

Column Description
Line No. This column displays the note line’s identification number.
Note Line Header This column displays the note line’s header.
Note Line Value This column displays the note line value, which can be one of several different types (taken from different fields of the note line), depending on the format stated on the note line.