Daily Flash

This section describes the fields and descriptions on the Daily Flash report.

The Daily Flash report displays a daily breakdown of key numbers (hours, billing, WIP, AR, and so on). Each day of the month (1-31) is displayed in a different row, and the key numbers are in different columns. You read across a row to see numbers for particular days or scan up and down columns to compare key numbers across days.

The report consists of one tab with sections for currency and company. The columns are organized into groupings:

  • Comparative Hours
  • Hours
  • Billing Prices
  • Accounts Receivable
Column Description
Comparative Hours Billable This column displays billable hours for the comparable period entered in the user prompts. You are prompted to enter a comparative From Date and To Date . Billable hours within this date range are displayed.
Comparative Hours Non Billable This column displays non-billable hours for the comparable period entered in the user prompts.
Comparative Hours Total Hours This column displays total (billable + non-billable) hours entered for the comparable period entered in the user prompts.
Day This column displays the day of the month (1-31).
Hours Billable This column displays billable hours for the period entered in the user prompts. You are prompted to enter the From Date and the To Date . Billable hours within this date range are displayed.
Hours Non Billable This column displays non-billable hours for the period entered in the user prompts.
Hours Total Hours This column displays total (billable + non-billable) hours entered for the period entered in the user prompts.
Billing Price Reg., Time This column displays the entered billing price for time activities.
Billing Price Reg., Amount This column displays the entered billing price for amount activities.
Billing Prices Total This column displays the total entered billing price.
Billing Price Up/Down This column displays the up/down amount concerning the billing price.
Billing Price Invoiced This column displays the invoiced amount.
Running Open Balance This column displays the running open billing balance. The top row is the open billing balance for the period entered, and open billing prior to the From Date entered in the user prompts is included. Each subsequent row uses the previous day's running total and calculates a new running total by adding the Open Billing Price amount.
AR Invoice/IOA This column displays the amount of AR Invoices and Invoices on Account for the period entered in the user prompts.
AR Credit/IOA This column displays the amount of Credit Memos and Credit Memos on Account for the period entered in the user prompts.
AR Paid This column displays the total amount paid (reconciled). This amount is the total of all amounts included in actual payments - it does not include exchange rate losses/gains, cash discounts, and so on.
AR Running Balance This column displays the running Balance of AR (the total amount outstanding on customer invoices). The top row is the opening balance of AR for the period entered. Each subsequent row uses the previous day's running total and calculates a new running total by adding the Balance amount.