
This section describes the fields and descriptions on the Utilization report.

The Utilization report displays utilization metrics and degrees that you can use to display the utilization of employees. Only entries on time activities are included in the report.

  • You can drill down on the No & Name column to the location, employee category, employee, and job level.
Column Description
No & Name This column displays the number and name of the current drill-down level. Drill-downs for this column are based on the dimensions of the employees. The drill-down levels are:
  • Company
  • Location
  • Employee Category
  • Employee
  • Job
Utilization Degree Inv./Reg. This column displays the utilization degree, which is the result of dividing invoiceable hours by entered hours.
Utilization Degree Inv./Fix This column displays the utilization degree, which is the result of dividing invoiceable hours by the number of fixed hours for employees (as set up in the employee revisions of the employees).
Billing Price, Reg. This column displays the entered billing price.
Billing Price, Average This column displays the average entered billing price.
Hours, Fixed This column displays the fixed hours for employees, as set up in the employee revisions of the employees.
Hours, Reg This column displays the hours entered for employees. This is the total number of hours entered.
Hours, Reg. Work. This column displays the entered productive hours for employees. This is the total number of hours entered on activities for which the employee utilization is productive time.
Hours Invoiceable This column displays the number of hours entered on invoiceable jobs and activities.
Hours, Prod. This column displays the entered productive hours for employees. This is the number of hours entered on activities for which the employee utilization is productive time.
Hours, Non-Prod. This column displays the entered non-productive hours for employees. This is the number of hours entered on activities for which the employee utilization is non-productive time.
Hours, Absence This column displays the entered absent hours for employees. This is the number of hours entered on activities for which the employee utilization is absent time.