Report Workflows

This section describes the workflows of Maconomy standard reports.

The following table provides example workflows for running reports on a daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis.

Task User Details…
Gather data on business transactions. Finance Run the following reports:
  • Bank Reconciliations
  • Fixed Assets
  • Asset List
  • WIP Aging
  • WIP Transactions
  • Opportunities
Collect data on customer transactions. Finance Run the following reports:
  • AR Transactions
  • AR Aging
  • AR Aging Details
  • AR Aging Summary
  • AR Rollforward
  • Customer Invoices
  • Customer Invoice Status
  • Bill to Customer Distribution
  • Job List
  • Main Job, Sub Job Overview
  • Job Events, by Customer
Collect data on vendor transactions. Finance Run the following reports:
  • Check Register
  • AP Aging
  • AP Transactions
Generate report for company data. Finance / Project Manager Run the following reports:
  • Daily Flash
  • Task List
  • Event Notes
  • Job Event
  • Job Events, by Job
  • Job Events, by Employee
  • Employee Time Overview
  • Job Employee Status
  • Utilization
  • Utilization Transactions
  • Realization
  • Time Sheet Overview
  • Time Sheet Status, by Day
  • Unsubmitted Time
  • Subscriptions
Generate data for posted entries in the general ledger for pre-closing adjustments. Finance Run the following reports:
  • Balance Sheet
  • Invoiced Registrations
  • Trial Balance
Generate reports for filings to tax authorities. Finance Run the following reports:
  • Customer Tax Returns
Generate reports for financial statements. Finance Run the following reports:
  • Balance Sheet
  • Profit and Loss, Periodic
  • Trial Balance
  • Trial Balance Analysis
  • Trial Balance No Analysis
  • Finance Transactions
  • Finance Entries
  • Cash Receipts
  • Cash Receipts, by Account Manager