Invoiced Registrations

This section describes the fields and descriptions on the Invoiced Registrations report.

The Invoiced Registrations report displays the current invoicing state of job entries.

Job entries are grouped by customer, job, activity type, entry text, and employee. Corresponding subtotals are provided.

There are no drill-down levels or links for this report.

Section Columns

Column Description
Customer This column displays the customer's number and name.
Job This column displays the job's number and name.
Activity Type This column displays the activity type (Time, Amount, or Summary) of the job entry.
Entry Text This column displays the entry text of the job entry.

Selection Criteria

Column Description
Employee This column displays the employee's number and name.
Type This column displays the activity type ( Time , Amount , or Summary ) of the job entry.
Entry Date This column displays the entry date of the job entry.
Remark This column displays the remark of the job entry.
Hours Reg. This column displays the entered quantity of hours.
Billing Price Reg., Enterprise This column displays the entered billing price, in the currency of the enterprise.
Billing Price Inv., Enterprise This column displays the invoiced billing price, in the currency of the enterprise.
Open Billing Price, Enterprise This column displays the open billing price, which is the cost price entered on invoiceable activities (those that are not yet invoiced). The open cost price displays in the currency of the enterprise.
Billing Price Up/Down, Enterprise This object displays the up/down writing of the billing price invoiced, in the currency of the enterprise.