WIP Transactions

This section describes the fields and descriptions on the WIP Transactions report.

The WIP Transactions report displays the individual job entries and invoices (job invoice lines) that constitute the work in progress balance. Only jobs that are capitalized are included in the report.

The report includes entries for job invoices on account, thereby providing a full overview of the entry and invoice history.

  • The Job title links to the Jobs workspace.
  • The Amount IOA column links to the Job Invoices workspace.
The report has similarities with the lowest level of the universe report that displays WIP. The report also has similarities with the Analyzer report, which displays job entries, although these do not work dynamically according to statement dates.
Column Description
Transaction, Date This column displays the entry date of job entries and job invoice lines contributing to open WIP (work in progress) amounts. For job invoices on account, the invoice date is displayed.
Transaction No. This column displays the transaction number of the transaction to which the job entry or job invoice line was posted. For job invoices on account, the text Invoice on Account is displayed.
Transaction Type This column displays the transaction type of the transaction to which the job entry or job invoice line was posted. For job invoices on account, the column is blank.
Entry Text This column displays the entry text of the job entry or job invoice line. For job invoices on account, the column is blank.
Task Name This column displays the task name of the job entry, job invoice line, or job invoice on account.
Task Descr. This column displays the task description of the job entry, job invoice line, or job invoice on account.
Employee No. This column displays the employee number of the job entry, job invoice line, or job invoice on account.
Employee Name This column displays the employee name of the job entry, job invoice line, or job invoice on account.
Reg./Inv. This column displays the contribution the job entry or job invoice line has made to the WIP balance. For job invoices on account, the column displays zero.
IOA For job invoices on account, this column displays the amount invoiced on account. For job entries or job invoice lines, the column displays zero.