Job Events

This section describes the fields and actions on the Job Events reports.

The Job Events report displays all events for your jobs.

Fundamental to this report is the event's identification data, such as the event number, date, status, and job dimensions. Because this combination of job dimensions can exist on multiple events, you cannot distinguish certain measures (such as entered hours) according to which event they are related to. As a result, the report does not display such measures for each event.

The report is primarily meant to display events in relation to job entry and invoicing. However, it can be used for displaying other kinds of events as well.

There are no drill-down levels for this report.

  • The Event No. column links to the Event Notes report.
  • The Job No. column links to the Jobs workspace.

Events Grouped by the Associated Event Flow Displayed

Column Description
Event Flow No.

This column displays the event flow's identification number.


This column displays the event flow's description.

Event Flow Type

This column displays the event flow type.

Event Columns (Table Part)

Column Description

This column contains two columns, which display the

Planned Starting Date


Planned Ending Date

of the event.

Event No.

This column displays the event's identification number.

Event Type

This column displays the event type.

Event Description

This column displays the event's description.

Event Closed

This column displays


if the event is closed and


if the event is not closed.

Event Status

This column displays the event status to be assigned to the job when the event is closed (only for events assigned to a job).

Job No.

This column displays the identification number of the job for the event.

Job Name

This column displays the name of the job for the event.

Activity No

This column displays the identification number of the activity for the event.

Activity Description

This column displays a description of the activity for the event.

Task Name

This column displays the name of the task for the event.

Task Description

This column displays a description of the task for the event.