Customer Invoice Status

This section describes the fields and descriptions on the Customer Invoice Status report.

The Customer invoice Status report displays invoiced and paid amounts, along with status and performance indicators related to customer handling, for example, payment time duration, number of invoices sent, and days of sales outstanding. On transaction levels, the report provides an overview of the outstanding invoices and transactional entries.

The Invoice column links to the Customer Invoices report and the Balance by Statement Date column links to the Customer Statement report.

Column Description
Company This column displays the name and number of the company. It displays on the first drill-down level. The drill-down levels are:
  • Company
  • Customer
  • Job
Customer This column displays the customer's name and the number. It is displayed on the second drill-down level.
Job This column displays the job's name and the number. It is displayed on the third drill-down level.
DSO This column displays the average days of sale outstanding.
Invoiced This column displays the total invoiced amount. This amount is the total of all amounts included in actual invoicing - it does not include exchange rate losses or gains, cash discounts, and so on. Credit memos are included with negative amounts.
Paid This column displays the total amount paid (reconciled). This amount is the total of all amounts included in actual payments - it does not include exchange rate losses or gains, cash discounts, and so on.
Variance This column displays the difference between invoiced amounts and paid amounts.
Balance by Statement Date This column displays the balance due by statement date for the current customer.
Avg. Time until Paid This column displays the average time it has taken the customer to fully pay outstanding invoices.