Revenue Analysis

This section describes the fields and descriptions on the Revenue Analysis report.

The Revenue Analysis report displays central balances for evaluating the profitability of customers as related to job cost entries and job invoicing in general. The report is designed to provide an overview of extremes. It ranks the top and bottom companies, customers, and so on, depending on the current drill level. The report displays these top and bottom ranks on two tabs. You select how many companies, customers, and so on to display.

The report is very similar to the Customer Profitability report, but puts more emphasis on the revenue and billing data.

The report corresponds to the universe report of the same name. Budget figures are taken from the latest approved job budget revision.

  • You can drill down on the No & Name column to the customer and job.
  • The Invoiced column links to the Job Invoices workspace.
Column Description
No & Name This column displays the number and name of the current drill-down level. The drill-down levels are:
  • Company
  • Customer
  • Job
Budgeted, Hours This column displays the number of budgeted hours.
Budgeted, Billing Price This column displays the total budgeted billing price.
Registered, Hours This column displays the number of entered hours.
Registered, Billing Price This column displays the total entered billing price.
Invoiced This column displays the total invoiced amount.
Open Billing Price This column displays the total open billing price.
Billing Price Up/Down This column displays the text that describes the rise or fall in the billing price.
Revenue Recognized This column displays the total revenue recognized.