Manage Utilization Categories

Use the Manage Utilization Categories screen to add, edit, or delete utilization codes. You must set up utilization codes before you can set up UDT01 types.


To display the Manage Utilization Categories screen, complete the following steps:

Click Time & Expense > Time > Time Controls > Manage Utilization Categories.  


Screen Fields

Field Description
Utilization Code

You can add a record by selecting New and entering a 10-character, uppercase alphanumeric code for the utilization. Each utilization code must be unique.

The Utilization Inquiry/Report is a powerful tool for managers. It provides a view into the productivity of their employees.  Although you may be tempted to create many utilization codes, please remember that UDT01 types can provide lower levels of summarization. Examples of utilization code descriptions are: Direct Labor, Indirect Labor, Leave, and B&P Labor.


Enter a Utilization Code description of up to 30 characters. Because they are used in drop-down boxes and as column headings for reports/inquiries, make descriptions as short as possible and properly capitalized. Each utilization description must be unique.

Note: You cannot delete a utilization code if it is being used as the utilization code for a UDT01 type.