Change Timesheet Status

Use this screen to update the status of selected timesheets.

You may update the timesheet status in one of the following ways:

Actions Results
Mark Timesheets Signed Selected employees/timesheet period timesheets are marked with a "Signed" status.

All empty revision signature employee IDs for the selected employees/timesheet period are updated with the employee ID of the user running this screen.

All empty revision signature dates for the selected employees/timesheet period are updated with the current server date and time.

If the Prorate Hours at Signature check box is selected in the Timesheet Classes screen for the employee's timesheet class, the hours are prorated accordingly.

Mark Timesheets Approved Selected employees/timesheet period timesheets are marked with an "Approved" status based on line level approval requirements.

All empty revision approval employee IDs for the selected employees/timesheet period are updated with the employee ID of the user running this screen.

All empty revision approval dates for the selected employees/timesheet period are updated with the current server date and time.

Mark Timesheets Processed Selected employees/timesheet period timesheets are marked with a "Processed" status.

Selected employees/timesheet period timesheet cells are marked with a "Processed" status.

Selected employees/timesheet period timesheet cells are updated with the supplied batch ID.

Selected employees/timesheet period timesheet cells have the exported hours updated to equal the entered hours.

Un-Mark Processed Timesheets Selected employees/timesheet period/batch ID timesheets are marked with an "Approved" status.

Selected employees/timesheet period/batch ID timesheet cells are marked with an "Open" status.

Selected employees/timesheet period/batch ID timesheet cells are updated with a null batch ID.

If the selected employees/timesheet period/batch ID timesheet cell uses an UDT01 (Account) type that is set up for exporting timesheets, the exported hours for the timesheet cell are updated to zeroes.

Selected employees/timesheet period/batch ID records are deleted from the export labor and export payroll staging tables.

Un-Mark Sent Timesheets Selected employees/timesheet period/batch ID timesheets are marked with an "Open" status.

Selected employees/timesheet period/batch ID timesheet cells are marked with an "Open" status.

Selected employees/timesheet period/batch ID timesheet cells are updated with a null batch ID.

If the selected employees/timesheet period/batch ID timesheet cell uses an UDT01 (Account) type that is set up for exporting timesheets, the exported hours for the timesheet cell are updated to zeroes.

Selected employees/timesheet period/batch ID records are deleted from the export labor and export payroll staging tables.


To display the screen, complete the following step:

Click Time & Expense > Time > Time Utilities > Change Timesheet Status.



Field Description

Select the action that you want the utility to perform:

  • Mark Timesheets Signed
  • Mark Timesheets Approved
  • Mark Timesheets Processed
  • Un-Mark Processed Timesheets
  • Un-Mark Sent Timesheets
Timesheet Period

Select the timesheet period for which you want to change the status of timesheets. The Timesheet periods that are available for selection depends on the action you select:

  • If you select Mark Timesheets Signed, only timesheet periods that contain open timesheets are available.
  • If you select Mark Timesheets Approved, only timesheet periods that contain signed timesheets are available.
  • If you select Mark Timesheets Processed, only timesheet periods that contain approved timesheets are available.
  • If you select Un-Mark Processed Timesheets, only timesheet periods that contain processed timesheets are available.
  • If you select Un-Mark Sent Timesheets, only timesheet periods that contain sent timesheets are available.
Batch ID

If Action contains Mark Timesheets Processed, enter the batch ID you want associated with the time sheets that are marked "Processed."

If Action contains Un-Mark Processed Timesheets, select the ID of the batch containing the processed timesheets you want to un-mark.

If Action contains Un-Mark Sent Timesheets, select the ID of the batch containing the sent timesheets you want to un-mark.


Field Description

In Employees, select the employees for whom you want to change timesheet status. Which employees are available for selection depends on your entries in Action, Timesheet Period, and Batch ID:

  • If Action contains Mark Timesheets Signed, employees with an open timesheet in the selected timesheet period are listed.
  • If Action contains Mark Timesheets Approved, employees with a signed timesheet in the selected timesheet period are listed.
  • If Action contains Mark Timesheets Processed, employees with an approved timesheet for the selected timesheet period and in the specified batch are listed.  
  • If Action contains Un-Mark Processed Timesheets, employees with a processed timesheet for the selected timesheet period and in the specified batch are listed.
  • If Action contains Un-Mark Sent Timesheets, employees with a sent timesheet for the selected timesheet period and in the specified batch are listed.

The employee names appear in alphabetical order by last name. If your system is configured to show the employee ID, the ID follows the name in parentheses.


Click Execute to update the selected employee timesheets with the specified status.

While the utility is running, the selected timesheets are marked as unavailable. The following updating is done.