Manage Resource Groups Screen
Use the Manage Resource Groups screen to group employees for different purposes. An Employee Group can be a department, office, division, project.
For example, you might group employees for the following reasons:
- Define your organization to the system
- Assign employees to supervisors/administrators
- Assign/restrict employees to certain charges
- Assign charge favorites to employees
- Provide employee selection criteria for reports and exports
When working with employee groups, note the following:
- Employees can be members of multiple groups.
- You can assign supervisors/administrators to multiple groups.
- You can assign charges to multiple timesheet groups.
- Groups may or may not have supervisors/administrators assigned.
- Groups may or may not have charges assigned.
If the Employee Security feature is turned on for your security role in the Security Roles screen, the employee groups that you can view, update, and delete is based on your functional role rights.
When you add a new employee group, only the Basic Information tab is available. When you enter and save the information on that tab, the others become available.
When you save the employee group, you are given primary supervisory rights over the group