Scheduling Screen

Use the Scheduling screen to set up and maintain the processes that you wish to run on a schedule. You can set up many processes or just one, depending on the complexity of your company requirements.

The table in this screen displays all the processes that have been set up. You can add, edit, and delete scheduled processes. You can also use this screen to clear all scheduled processes at one time.

Before setting up scheduled processes, you should set up recurrence codes and parameters.


To display the screen, complete the following steps:

In the Administration module, click Process > Scheduling.  


Add Process

Click Add Process to add a scheduled process to the table.

Field Description

Use the drop-down list to select the process that you want this scheduled process to run.

Field Description

Use the drop-down list to select the parameters that are available for the process you are scheduling. The list contains all valid parameters.

Field Description
Recurrence Use the drop-down list to select the recurrence code for this process. The list contains the recurrence codes that have been set up in the system.
Field Description
Run As Click to select the employee for whom to run this scheduled process. The individual selected should be someone that has rights over the type of employee for whom the process is run. The default value is the employee name of the person logged into this screen.
Note: For example, if you selected the Daily Floor Check Process, the Run As individual should be someone who has rights over all employees.
Field Description
Report To Click to select the employee for whom this report should be sent.
Field Description
Server Enter the IP address of the system's server. The default value is the server to which the current user is logged in. The format of the server must be as follows: Host Name, then ":", then Port #.
Field Description
Run Time Use the Hour drop-down list to select the hour in which to run the report. The valid values are "1" through "12." Use the Minute drop-down list to select the minutes in which to run the process. The valid value are "00," "05," "10," "15," "20," "25," "30," "35," "40," "45," "50," and "55." Use the third drop-down list to select whether you want the process run in the "AM" or "PM."
Field Description
Next Run This non-editable field displays the date and time the process will run next. It will be blank until you press the Calculate button.
Field Description
Calculate Select this button to see when the process will next be run. It will not be available until you make a selection in the Recurrence field.

Edit Process

Click Edit Process to make changes to existing scheduled processes. Select a process by selecting the checkbox to the left of the row that you want to edit.

Field Description

This non-editable field displays the process that you are editing.


This non-editable field displays the parameters that were selected for this process.


This non-editable field displays the recurrence code that was selected for this process.

Run As

This non-editable field displays the name of the employee for whom this process is run.

Report To

Click to select the employee for whom this report should be sent.


Enter the IP address of the system's server. The default value will be the server to which the current user is logged in.

The format of the server must be as follows: Host Name, then ":", then Port #.

Run Time

This non-editable group box displays the hour and minute in which this process will be run. It also displays whether the process is set to run in the "AM" or "PM."

Next Run

This non-editable field displays the date and time that the process will run next. It will be blank until you select the Calculate button.


Select this button to see when the process will next be run. It will not be available until you make a selection in the Recurrence field.

Delete Process

To delete a scheduled process, select the check box to the left of the row that you want to delete. Then click Delete Process to delete the row.

Clear Scheduled

If you want to remove all scheduled processes from the table, click Clear Scheduled. If you click Yes when the confirmation message appears, all scheduled processes are removed.