Filters Subtask

The Filters subtasks displays the starting and ending positions and the value between those positions of the credit card file you want to filter as well as notes related to the filter.

Screen Fields

Field Description
Starting Position

Enter the position number in the credit card file that contains the first character of the section that you want to filter. This must be a numeric value and is a required field.

Ending Position

Enter the position number in the credit card file that contains the last character of the section that you want to filter. This must be a numeric value and is a required field.


Enter the value that is listed between the starting and ending position that should be filtered. If you selected Include Expenses That Meet Filter as the filter type, any rows that contain this value will be included in the Batch Expenses. If you selected Exclude Expenses That Meet Filter as the filter type, any rows that contain this value will NOT be included in the Batch Expenses. This can be an alpha or a numeric value, and is a required field.


Enter any notes regarding this filter. This field is optional.