Review Roles

Review roles define what you can and cannot do within a review. It determines what action you need to take, what permissions you have, and what notifications you receive.

Pre-configured Review Roles

ConceptShare has four pre-configured review roles.
Role Description
  • Required to submit an approval response
  • Has the majority of permissions set to Yes, except editing and deleting asset comments
  • Not required to submit any response
  • Has the majority of permissions set to Yes, except editing and deleting asset comments
  • Required to submit a Complete Feedback response
  • Has the majority of permissions set to Yes, except editing and deleting asset comments
  • Not required to submit any response
  • Can see asset comments and replies to these asset comments
Note: If you are an administrator, you can customize these pre-configured roles. For instructions, see Edit a Review Role.

Custom Review Roles

You can create custom review roles to support your organization's or team's processes. For instructions, see Create a Review Role.