Filter Panel of the Reviews Screen

Use the options in this panel to perform refined searches in the filter panel of the Reviews screen.

Filter Panel

Option Description
Search Use the Search bar to filter Reviews by entering all or part of the Review name.
My Action You can filter items based on the action that you are required to do. The options are:
  • Completed
  • In progress
  • Not started
  • Take ownership
  • Missed
For additional information, see the Action column field description.
My unread feedback Select the checkbox to display only the Reviews that have feedback you have not seen.
Created Date Specify a date range to filter Reviews based on the date of creation.
Due Date Specify a date range to filter Reviews based on the due date.
Overdue Reviews Select the checkbox to display only the Reviews that are past their due date.
Status Filter Reviews based on their status. The options are:
  • Any
  • Not Started
  • In Progress
  • Completed
Hide completed Reviews Select the checkbox to hide completed Reviews.

Clear the checkbox to show completed Reviews.

Responses pending Select the checkbox to display only the Reviews that have pending responses.