Security for the wInsight Analytics Module
The wInsight Analytics module uses the security information in wInsight Analytics to determine who can use the module and which contracts they have access to.
Enabling Security
- Enable security in wInsight Analytics by assigning a password to the Admin user in wInsight Analytics. If no password exists for the Admin user, security is not enabled for the wInsight Analytics module.
- Select Yes in the Security option on the main tab of wInsight Analytics Configuration.
- Run the data load process.
If you have enabled security in wInsight Analytics and set Security to Yes in wInsight Analytics Configuration, the data load process enables security for the wInsight Analytics module and loads wInsight Analytics security information into the data model.
Even if you intend to use security, Deltek recommends that you leave Security set to No in wInsight Analytics Configuration until you have the wInsight Analytics module configured the way you want it, and you are ready to make it available to the analytics users. This approach helps you complete the initial implementation more quickly and efficiently. Those evaluating the configuration settings are not restricted by security, so they have full access to the analytics and the data.
Setting Up Users
If security is enabled for the wInsight Analytics module, the data load process loads all wInsight Analytics users who are set up for Windows authentication, whether those users are domain users or are set up for Windows authentication on the wInsight Analytics server. The wInsight Analytics module does not support access for users who are not set up for Windows authentication.
To add a new module user, set that person up in wInsight Analytics as a Windows authentication user, and give them the appropriate access to contracts. Then run the data load process to add their access information to the analytics data model.
User Authentication
When a person runs the wInsight Analytics module, Windows authentication determines whether they gain access to the module.
Access to Contracts
A wInsight Analytics user is granted access to contracts either individually or through a user group. The data load process loads that access information into the analytics data model. In most cases, a user automatically has access to data for the same set of contracts in the wInsight Analytics module as he or she does in wInsight Analytics. However, if a user has access to a set of contracts through a user group and also has been given access to a different set of contracts as an individual, he or she is given access to all of those contracts in the wInsight Analytics module, even though in wInsight Analytics the access set up for them individually is ignored if they inherit access from a user group. If this occurs and you want that user to only have the access rights granted to the group, you must remove the rights granted to them as an individual, and then run the data load process to update their security information in the analytics data model.
Because the wInsight Analytics module does not update wInsight Analytics data, read and write access is not relevant. A module user has access to all contracts for which he or she has either read or write access in wInsight Analytics.
Users Created During Installation
The wInsight Analytics module installation process creates two administrative users: DeltekAnalytics and DeltekAnalyticsCW. Both of these users are set up automatically as administrative users with access to all contracts. If you need to change these user names, you can do so in the serversetup.csv file that is located in the <installation location>\Setup folder.