Element of Cost Trending Chart

The Element of Cost Trending chart on the Element of Cost tab displays the progress of each element as well as the total cost or schedule variance over time. For example, the costs are increasing, decreasing, or holding steady.

The chart name can be Cumulative CV Element of Cost Trending, Current CV Element of Cost Trending, Cumulative SV Element of Cost Trending, or Current SV Element of Cost Trending, depending on the options you select.

Chart Format

The Element of Cost Trending chart is a line chart. It displays one line for each element of cost, showing how a particular element changes over time.

Chart Item Description
Horizontal axis The horizontal axis displays the range of periods.
Vertical axis The vertical axis displays the range of cost or schedule variance amounts for the selected elements.
Line Each color-coded line represents the trend of an element of cost over intervals of time.

Chart Data

The Element of Cost Trending chart displays the following data for each period:

Data Item Description
Total cost or schedule variance amount The total cumulative/current cost variance or schedule variance of elements of cost for the indicated period.

To see the total cost or schedule variance data for each element of cost unit, position the mouse pointer on a corresponding segment on the line chart. The period, EOC name, and total cost or schedule variance amount display in a data box.