Total EOC By WBS Table

The Total EOC by WBS table allows you to break down dollars or hours with each element of cost. It displays the current EOC data.

The table name varies, depending on the selected options from the option set on the left side of the dashboard. For example, selecting Cumulative and CV displays the Cumulative CV Total EOC by WBS table.

Table Format

The Total EOC by WBS table is a pivot table. You can drag dimension columns to a new location to change their order. You can also view the table in Excel by clicking .

Table Data

The element for which you want wInsight Analytics calculates the metrics is based on your selection in the EOC Name table (for example, LABOR).

Data Item Description
WBS Work breakdown structure element for the current period.
EOC Element of cost by WBS for the current period.
Element of cost amount Amount that each element of cost contributed to the total cost or schedule variance by WBS for the current period.
Total Total cumulative/current cost variance or schedule variance amount for the selected elements of cost for the current period.