Load wInsight Analytics Data for All Projects
Before you can begin using the wInsight Analytics module, you must load the initial set of data that you want to make available for analysis. After you begin using the wInsight Analytics module, you can update the data as often as necessary.
The procedure below is only for loading data for all of your projects. If you want to load data for only one or a selected group of projects, select the projects on the By Project tab of wInsight Analytics Configuration, and use the options on that tab to save the settings and start the data load process.
Before you load a set of data, use wInsight Analytics Configuration to specify the configuration settings you want.
After you make all the configuration entries, make sure that you click
Save Settings for wInsight Analytics and that you also click
on the QlikView toolbar to save your entries in QlikView.
Note: If you make any changes to the configuration settings, it is very important that you both click
Save Settings for wInsight Analytics and click
on the toolbar to save the current configuration settings before you run the data load process. If you do not do both, the data load may not use the most current configuration settings.
If you want to load views and user-defined filters, copy the current WSCUSTOM.xml file from wInsight to the <wInsight Analytics module installation location>\Setup folder. If you load new or updated filters, make sure that you set the options in wInsight Analytics Configuration so that data is reloaded for all months for which you want to use those filters.
To load data for all projects, complete the following steps:
- On the server or standalone computer on which you installed the wInsight Analytics module, log on as the DeltekAnalytics user or as another QlikView-licensed user that you have set up. Do not log on using the cache warmer service account (default user name DeltekAnalyticsCW) to run this batch file.
- Display wInsight Analytics Configuration.
- Review the configuration settings on the wInsight Analytics Configuration tab to make sure they are correct.
Set the values in
Current Period,
Historical Data Load, and
Forecast Data Load on the wInsight Analytics Configuration tab, click
, and click Save Settings for wInsight Analytics.
- Click Run Data Load Batch File. This process takes some time; how long it takes depends on the size of your database and how many projects and periods you are loading. When it is completed, a message displays that confirms that the data model has been updated with the current wInsight Analytics data, based on your configuration settings.
If you loaded new or updated views, do the following:
- in QlikView Desktop, open wInsight_Analytics.qvw. That file is in the <installation location>\Final folder.
- Click File > Reload.
- Save the file.
- Repeat steps a – c for wInsight_Analytics_MutliProject.qvw.