Change Details View

The Change Details view displays a hierarchical list of the control accounts, work packages, and activities for the selected project.

For a detailed description of each step in the change request process, refer to "Change Management Process".

Activities Linked to a Work Package

The Change Details view only displays activities that are linked to a work package. For example, if you add a new activity that is not linked to any work package in a baseline change request and create a relationship to an inserted activity on another baseline change request, the Change Details grid will not display the activity and external relationship.

Similarly, if you have an activity in a baseline change request that has a relationship to a newly added activity found in another baseline change request, and you click the hyperlink on the Relationships tab, you will not see the activity details.

Therefore, if you want to analyze relationships outside the ones linked to work packages in the current change request, Deltek recommends that you use Model Changes.

Many Open Plan Schedules Linked to One Control Account

When a change request has Change Details included on the form and allows creating, editing, and deleting activities, the change can only be associated with a single project.

External Relationships and External Subprojects

If your Open Plan project has external relationships to subprojects, they will not be visible in the Change Details view. Required changes to external information can be made in Open Plan after the change has been applied using Model Changes before approving the change request.

Change Details View Display

When you access the Change Details view, PM Compass hides the Navigation menu.

Tip: Maximize the PM Compass window to see all the options on the Change Details view grid toolbar.

Change Details View Toolbar

Use the Change Details View toolbar for such tasks as saving changes, editing the schedule, and printing.

Change Details View Grid

The Change Details view grid displays the control accounts, work packages, and activities of the selected project in a hierarchical view.

For more information on hierarchical views, see "Expand and Collapse the Grid Structure".

For existing data, you can edit the activity Description cell; however, all other information is read-only. If you insert a work package or activity, you can edit the data in certain columns.

When you select a control account, work package, or activity, the tabs at the bottom of the Change Details view display information about the selected row.

In order to view progress values such as actual dates and percent complete, add the relevant columns to the grid portion of the view.

The grid consists of three, top-level nodes:

For more details on the nodes, see External Predecessors and Successors. For a description of all of the columns, see Change Details Grid. For more information on the dates displayed in the grid, see Understanding the Different Date Sets.

Expand and Collapse the Grid Structure

Control accounts and work packages with children have either ExpandablePanel_Collapsed.png or ExpandablePanel_Expanded.png displayed to the left of the element ID. You can expand an element to see its children by clicking ExpandablePanel_Collapsed.png. Elements displaying ExpandablePanel_Expanded.png are already fully expanded. To collapse all the children belonging to the element, click ExpandablePanel_Expanded.png.

Grid Toolbar

Tip: Maximize the Change Details view screen to see all of the options on the grid toolbar.




Click this button to display or hide the activity rows.

Insert Work Package

Click this button to add a row in the grid and insert a work package.

For more information, see "Rules for Editing Change Details Data".

Insert Activity

Click this button to insert a new activity. If this button is disabled, make sure that the workflow type supports the adding and editing of activities.


Click this button to delete an activity or delete a work package.

Select Columns

Click this button to display the Select Columns dialog box, where you can select the columns that you want to add to the grid.

Grid Columns

The Change Details view grid displays control account and work package data from the cost tool, and activity data from the planning tool. It includes links to external predecessors and successors.

Below are the default columns. Each of these fields display in the grid and on the tabs. You can add or remove columns by using the Select Columns dialog box.




This column displays the control account (CA) ID for the selected CA as well as any external predecessors and successors related to the CA activities.


This column displays the work package (WP) ID. If the work package is listed in the cost change log, the WP is highlighted yellow. This indicates a manual change to the work package, such as a change to the description, or EVT.

For more information, see "Work Package Overview".

Activity ID

This column displays the activity ID. If the activity is listed in the schedule change log, the activity ID is highlighted yellow. This indicates a manual change to the activity, such as a change to the description or the duration.

For more information, see "Activity Overview".


This column displays a brief description of the control account, work package, or activity.


This column displays the earned value technique (EVT) used for the activity.

For an overview and a list of the EVT options, see "Earned Value Techniques (EVT)".

Requested Start/Finish

These columns display the requested Start/Finish dates.

The Requested Dates represent what is being requested in this change request. If the workflow is a budget change request, the Requested Dates are the new/requested baseline dates in the change request. If this is a forecast change request, the requested dates are the new/requested forecast dates.

If the requested dates are different from the baseline dates or the forecast dates, they are highlighted in yellow. This allows you to quickly see what is being requested or changed as part of this change request.

If there is a linked schedule, the requested dates in the schedule are calculated using the Critical Path Method (CPM). The requested dates in the grid display the early date result of this calculation. If you insert a new activity, change a relationship, and so on, the requested dates are updated with the requested dates based on CPM calculations. Similarly, if the activities have not yet started and do not have a predecessor nor a target date, the requested dates are updated to the start of the current period. CPM is used to calculate the requested dates for all the activities displayed in Change Details.

The work package requested dates are then updated to span the activity dates—if they have not yet started. The control account dates are updated to span all the work packages.

During the modeling session, the scheduler chooses which activities will get new baseline dates. When the workflow returns from the modeling session, the activity dates in the Change Details view are no longer calculated. They represent the dates calculated during the modeling session. Similarly, the work package and control account dates represent the dates from schedule integration performed after the modeling session. At this point, you cannot edit the activities nor change the work package dates without editing the schedule and going back to the modeling session.

For more information about the dates displayed in the grid, see "Understanding the Different Date Sets". To learn how costs are respread when work package requested forecast dates are changed, see "Respread Costs".

For a Budget Change Request

  • The requested start date is highlighted if it does not match the baseline start date.

  • The requested finish date is highlighted if it does not match the baseline finish date.

For a Forecast Change Request

  • The requested start date is highlighted if it does not match the forecast start date on the General tab.

  • The requested finish date is highlighted if it does not match the forecast finish date.

Baseline Start/Finish

These columns display the requested Baseline Start/Finish dates.

When you make a change, such as inserting an activity or changing a duration, the Requested Baseline Start/Finish Date fields are populated for the selected activity as well as for any successor activities that are affected by the change using the Critical Path Method (CPM).

You can see the current Baseline Start/Finish dates on the General tab.

For more information about the dates displayed on the grid, see "Understanding the Different Date Sets".


This column displays the duration of the activity.

For more information, see "Calculating Duration" and "Duration Units".

When you first access the Change Details view, the control accounts and work packages are displayed very quickly.

At the same time, a background process retrieves:  

While the background process to retrieve activity information is still running, you will be able to do the following control account and work package-level tasks:

There is an indicator displayed to help you determine what data is being loaded in the background.

Change Details View Barchart

The Change Details view barchart displays summary information for control accounts and work packages as well as the scheduling information for activities based on data in the Change Details grid.

For more information, see "Change Details Barchart".

Change Details View Tabs

The Change Details view includes the following tabs:

Use the Tabs on Form tab in Workflow Type Configuration to determine the labels for tabs and to add or remove tabs for each workflow type.

What do you want to do?

Create a budget change request

Create a forecast change request

Run a Time Phased Report from Change Details View

Work with activities

Work with work packages

Enter a code assignment on an activity

View change log

Respread costs

Review field descriptions and formulas

View location

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