Insert a Work Package

Use the Change Details view to add a new work package (WP) to enter the new scope as part of the change request. You cannot add a work package to a completed control account.

Before you begin, review Rules for Editing Change Details Data.

To insert a work package:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Workflows » Change Management » select a Change Request.

  2. In the List View, select the Change Request.

  3. On the General tab of the Change Request Form, click the Change Details button. The Change Details view and barchart displays.

    Tip: Maximize the Change Details screen in order to see all the options on the Change Details view grid toolbar.

  4. On the Change Details view toolbar, click Insert Work Package. This will add a new row in the grid or display the Code Search Dialog Box for those project work packages that are navigating against a code file.

  5. You can enter WP, Activity ID, Description, Baseline Start and Finish dates in the grid or search from the code lookup.

  6. Enter the details needed in the General tab of the change details view. The changes you make to this tab will also be reflected in the change details grid. This includes the EVT and Apportioned To information.

  7. Click Save.

What do you want to do?

Edit a work package

Delete a work package

Insert an activity

Delay the start of an activity

Add a predecessor or successor activity to define when an activity occurs

Add a relationship to an activity

Assign a resource to an activity

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