Add an Activity Resource Assignment

Use this procedure to add resource assignments to an activity.

Before you begin, review Rules for Editing Change Details Data.

To add a resource to an activity:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Workflows ยป Change Management, and select a Change Request.

  2. In the List View, select the Change Request.

  3. On the General tab of the Change Request Form, click the Change Details button.

  4. The Change Details view and barchart display.

  5. Select the activity to which you want to assign a resource.

  6. On the Resources tab, select the row below to which you want to insert the new resource assignment.

  7. Click Insert on the Resources grid toolbar.

  8. In the Add Resource Assignment dialog box, complete the fields.

  9. Click OK to save your changes.

PM Compass checks if the resource has already been added to this activity. If yes, PM Compass displays the following message: "This assignment already exists. Select a new resource assignment or edit the existing assignment."

The new resource assignment is displayed in the Resources grid.

What do you want to do?

Edit a resource assignment

Delete a resource assignment

Select the Create, Edit, or Delete Activities option

Add an activity relationship

Add time phased data at the WP and CA level for manual entry of costs

Edit time phased data at the WP and CA level for manual entry of costs

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