Workflow Steps Overview

Workflow steps are set up when the workflow type requires various steps of review, approval, or other processing. Steps are data driven and the user IDs in the data are used to drive the steps.

The users defined/created in the steps have nothing to do with roles created in Deltek EPM Security Administrator (SA). Deltek EPM SA helps you define the security rights for Deltek PM Compass users and maintain license keys, groups, roles, and access to the various EPM applications. The users in the steps are the approvers of the workflow or the users that need to be notified about the workflow steps.

You can define the steps in the Steps Tab of Workflow Type Configuration view. Here, both steps and step actions are defined and these drive the step process. The steps define who has an action to be performed, and the step actions define how they are notified. For each selected step, many step actions can be defined. Most step actions are associated with notifying the assignee that they need to complete a task or a reminder notification. Each step contains a description of the step. Use this description to see the records created in Alerts.

Step Notification

Steps may involve sending an email, or displaying dashboard alerts which can include default text setup in Step Notification Defaults.

Tip: Create the default notifications before setting up the steps. Changing the defaults after the steps are created does not change the text in the existing notifications.

Start the Steps

There are two ways to start the steps after they have been set it up for a workflow type:

  1. Manually start the steps by creating a workflow based on the workflow type and then select the Start Steps option on the workflow form toolbar.

  2. Use Scheduled and User-Initiated alerts that have conditions set up to create a workflow and start the workflow's steps. PM Compass has some sample scheduled alerts installed but they are set to inactive. You can activate and modify them to match your own needs.

Workflow Progress Tab  

Use the Workflow Progress tab (for example, Progress Tab of the Change Request Workflow) to quickly identify who has approved a workflow, view the history of a workflow, and view all the current and past step assignments. Use the Responsibility column to view the role of the user who participated in completing the step. For example, Created By, Control Account Manager, Project Controls Analyst, and Project Manager. If the workflow is assigned manually or is assigned to the originator, this column is blank.

Edit Steps

After you create workflows, editing the steps can easily invalidate the in-progress workflows. Workflows with in-progress steps must be restarted or canceled before the steps can be changed. When the Workflow Steps tab is accessed, a check is performed to search for workflows of this type that are In-progress. If in-progress workflows are found, a message displays. You can choose to cancel or restart the steps for these workflows.

You must be a member of the SYSADMIN Group to edit the steps for in-progress workflows.

Limited editing can occur without restarting the steps. You can edit the Assigned To column and the step actions. When in-progress workflows reach the edited step, the new assignments and/or step actions are processed based on the edits.

For more information, see Edit Workflow.

Workflow and Change Management

Refer to the following topics:

Before you begin...

Set up wstep notification defaults

Learn about...

How a step works

Step alerts

Workflow Steps tab

Steps for different workflow types

Parent/child workflow steps

Email login credentials in EPM SA

What do you want to do?

Add users to a step

Add a name to a step user

Complete the process when a workflow fails

Confirm a user is added to a step

Activate step alerts

Create step actions

Edit steps

Create a step action alert

Learn more about...