Step Notification Defaults

To notify the person from whom the workflow requires action, most step actions in workflows uses email and/or dashboard alerts.

Tip: Create the default notifications used in the email and dashboard alerts before setting up the workflow. Changing the defaults after the workflow is created does not change the text in the existing notifications.

Each alert type can have a different set of text. While each alert type can have different default text, every workflow of the same type receives the same text. Therefore, the text should indicate what action is required by the user.

Notifications in Existing Workflows

To change the content of a notification that already exists in the workflow, you must either edit the notification on the Workflow Steps tab, or delete the step action and re-add it so the default notification will be copied into the new step action.

When you add step actions in Workflow Type Configuration, alerts are automatically created. If you delete and re-add actions, it is possible to get the alerts out of order. For alerts relating to a change request, see Move a Step Action to a Different Line in the Step Actions Grid for steps on how to modify and confirm that the alert order is correct. For more information on step actions, see Workflow Steps Tab.

Using the Insert Field Button

The Insert Field buttons on the Step Notification Defaults Form incorporate fields into the subject and body of the notification. When a field is selected using the Insert Field button, the content of the field is displayed in square brackets.  

For example, [:Item.Due Date / CAM_ITEM.DueDate] is displayed when you select the Workflow table, and the Due Date field. The information in the square brackets displays the text that was displayed when you selected the field and is only informative. The information after the / is the table.field name. It is this part of the field that is used by the system to determine what is displayed in the email.  

For more information on selecting fields, see Selecting the Correct Workflow Table.

Example of an Approval Email

The Approval email is displayed as:

Step [:Item.Current workflow step / CAM_ITEM.WorkflowStep] of "[:Item.Item ID / CAM_ITEM.ItemID] - [:Item.Title / CAM_ITEM.Title]" is approved.

Approval comment: [:Item.Approval Comments / CAM_ITEM.Comments]


When the email arrives, it is displayed as:

Step 1 of “WA00023 – Ergonomic Engineering” is approved.

Approval comment: This looks good.  Thank you for getting this rushed through the process.


Step Notification Defaults Form

Use the Step Notification Defaults Form to set up the default text used in the email and dashboard alerts.

What do you want to do?

Set up the default text used in the email and dashboard alerts

Review the workflow failure notifications

Add a step action to an existing workflow type

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