Calculated Field Formulas and Descriptions

This topic lists the formulas for:

Earned Value Management is a way to measure a project's performance against the project baseline.

For more information about the report where the field displays, see Reports.

Field Name / Abbreviation

Full Name



Report where this field displays

% Complete

% Complete

% Compete = (BCWPcum / BAC) * 100

(Budgeted Cost of Work Performed cumulative to date divided by Budget At Complete) times 100.

Variance Analysis report

% Schedule

% Schedule

% Schedule = (BCWScum / BAC) * 100

(Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled cumulative divided by Budget At Complete) times 100.

Variance Analysis report

% Spent of Budget

% Spent of Budget

% Spent of Budget = (ACWPcum / BAC) * 100

Current Period %Spent of Budget = Current Period Actual / Current Period Budget * 100

Cumulative %Spent of Budget = Cumulative Actual / Cumulative Budget * 100

At Complete %Spent of Budget = Cumulative Actuals / Budget at Complete * 100


(Actual Cost of Work Performed cumulative to date divided by Budget At Complete) times 100.

When this field is used on the Variance Analysis report, it calculates "at complete % spent."

When this field is used on the Explanation of Spend Variance report, it calculates current, cumulative, and at complete % spent.

When it is used on time phased reports (such as Time Phased and Curve), it calculates the value each period using the following formula: % Spent of Budget = (ACWP/BCWS) * 100

Variance Analysis report

Time Phased report

Curve report

Explanation of Spend Variance report

% Spent of Forecast

% Spent of Forecast

% Spent of Forecast = (ACWPcum / EAC) * 100

At Complete %Spent of Forecast = Cumulative Actuals / At Complete Forecast * 100

(Actual Cost of Work Performed cumulative to date divided by Forecast At Complete aka EAC) times 100.

When this field is used on the Variance Analysis report, it calculates "at complete % spent."

When this field is used on the Explanation of Spend Variance report, it calculates "at complete" % spent.

When it is used on time phased reports (such as Time Phased and Curve), it calculates the value each period using the following formula: % Spent of Budget = (ACWP/EAC) * 100

Variance Analysis report

Time Phased report

Curve report

Explanation of Spend Variance report

Actuals Price

Actuals Price

Actuals Price =   ACWP($)   



Variance Analysis report

Actual Usage

Actual Usage

Actual Usage = ACWPunits


Variance Analysis report

Budget Price

Budget Price

Budget Price =   BCWS($)   



Variance Analysis report

Budget Usage

Budget Usage

Budget Usage = BCWSunits


Price and Usage Analysis report


Cost Performance Indicator

CPI = Earned (BCWP) / Actual (ACWP)

Budgeted Cost of Work Performed divided by Actual Cost of Work Scheduled.

Cost Performance Index (CPI) is an index showing the ratio of work accomplished versus work cost incurred for a specified time period. The CPI shows the efficiency of the utilization of the resources on the project.  

A CPI value above 1 indicates efficiency in utilizing the resources allocated to the project is good.

A CPI value below 1 indicates efficiency in utilizing the resources allocated to the project is not good.

EAC Analysis report

CPI hours

Cost Performance Indicator Hours

CPI hours = Earned (BCWP) hours/ Actual (ACWP) hours


Cost Performance Indicator Hours (CPI Hours) is an index showing the efficiency of the utilization of the resources on the project in terms of hours.  

A CPI Hours value above 1 indicates efficiency in utilizing the resources allocated to the project is good.

A CPI Hours value below 1 indicates efficiency in utilizing the resources allocated to the project is not good.



Cost Variance

CV = Earned (BCWP) – Actual (ACWP)

Budgeted Cost of Work Performed minus Actual Cost of Work Performed. Cost Variance indicates how much over or under budget the project is.

Variance Analysis report

CV %

Cost Variance Percentage

CV % = (Cost variance / Earned) * 100

(Cost Variance divided by Budgeted Cost of Work Performed) times 100.

Cost Variance % indicates how much over or under budget the project is in terms of percentage.

Variance Analysis report

CV Hours

Cost Variance Hours

CV hours = Earned hours – Actual hours

Cost Variance Hours indicates how much over or under budget the project is in terms of hours.


CV % Hours

Cost Variance Percentage Hours

CV % hours = (CV hours / Earned hours) * 100

Cost Variance % Hours indicates how much over or under budget the project is in terms of percentage and hours.


Days in Current Step

Days in Current Step

Days in Current Step = Today - Step Start Date


Workflow List report

Days Past Due

Days Past Due

Days Past Due = Today - Due Date


Workflow List report

Days Since Created

Days Since Created

Days Since Created = Today - Created Date


Workflow List report

Days to Complete

Days to Complete

Days to Complete = Closed Date - Created Date


Workflow List report

Earned Price

Earned Price

Earned Price =   BCWP($)   



Variance Analysis report

Earned Usage

Earned Usage

Earned Usage = BCWPunits


Price and Usage Analysis report


Estimate At Complete

EAC = ACWPcum + (BAC - BCWPcum)

Actual Cost of Work Performed plus (Budget At Complete minus Budgeted Cost of Work Performed cumulative).

Variance Analysis report


Estimate At Complete Composite

EACcomposite = ACWPcum + [(BAC - BCWPcum) / (CPIcum * SPIcum)]

Actual Cost of Work Performed plus [(Budget At Complete minus Budgeted Cost of Work Performed cumulative) divided by (Cost Performance Index cumulative times Schedule Performance Index cumulative)]

Variance Analysis report


Estimate At Complete Cost Performance Index

EACcpi = ACWPcum + [(BAC - BCWPcum) / CPIcum]

Actual Cost of Work Performed plus [(Budget At Complete minus Budgeted Cost of Work Performed cumulative) divided by Cost Performance Index cumulative]

Variance Analysis report


Estimate At Complete Cost Performance Index - Last Status Period

EACcpi-lsp = ACWPcum + [(BAC - BCWPcum) / CPI of the current fiscal year]

Actual Cost of Work Performed plus [(Budget At Complete minus Budgeted Cost of Work Performed cumulative) divided by Cost Performance Index calculated using current fiscal year only]

Variance Analysis report


Independent Estimate at Completion

iEAC = [(Budget – Earned) / CPI] + Actuals

Independent Estimate at Completion (iEAC) is an index used to project total cost using the performance to date to project overall performance. It can be compared to EAC, which is the manager's projection.


iEAC hours

Independent Estimate at Completion Hours

iEAC hours = [(Budget hours – Earned hours) / CPI hours] + Actuals hours

Independent Estimate at Completion Hours (iEAC Hours) is an index used to project total hours using the performance to date to project overall performance. It can be compared to EAC Hours, which is the manager's projection.


Price Variance 1 (Budget)

Price Var 1

Price Variance 1 (Budget) = (BCWSprice – ACWPprice) x ACWPunits


BCWSprice =   BCWS($)   


ACWPprice =    ACWP($)     


Units = hours or quantity as defined in options tab

A Price Variance indicates that the budgeted rate is different from the actual rate. A positive Price variance indicates the budgeted rate is less than the actual rate.  A negative Price Variance indicates the actual rate is higher than the budgeted rate.  The formals include cumulative to date budget and actual costs. 

When there is a price variance, the forecast rate should be updated to better predict the final cost of the project.

Price and Usage Analysis report

Price Variance 2 (Performance)

Price Var 2

Price Variance 2 (Performance) = (BCWPprice – ACWPprice) X ACWPunits


BCWPprice =    BCWP($)      


ACWPprice =    ACWP($)    


Units = hours or quantity as defined in options tab

Price Variance 2 is good for analyzing a price variance for in progress work.  Since Earned Value (BCWP) is used in the calculation, it eliminates any variance in progress that can be encountered when the work is not progressing as planned.

When there is a price variance, the forecast rate should be updated to better predict the final cost of the project.

Price and Usage Analysis report

Remaining Budget

Remaining Budget

At Complete Remaining Budget = Budget At Complete - Cumulative Actuals


Explanation of Spend Variance report

Remaining Forecast

Remaining Forecast

At Complete Remaining Forecast = Forecast at Complete - Cumulative Actuals


Explanation of Spend Variance report

Requested Finish Delay

Requested Finish Delay

Requested Finish Delay = Requested Baseline Finish Date - Current Baseline Finish Date


Workflow List report

Requested Start Delay

Requested Start Delay

Requested Start Delay = Requested Baseline Start Date - Current Baseline Start Date


Workflow List report

Spend Variance

Spend Variance

Current Period Spend Variance = Current Period Budget - Current Period Actual

Cumulative Spend Variance = Cumulative Budget - Cumulative Actual



Explanation of Spend Variance report


Schedule Performance Indicator

SPI = Earned (BCWP) / Budget to date (BCWS)

Budgeted Cost of Work Performed divided by Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled.

Schedule Performance Index (SPI) is an index showing the ratio of work accomplished versus work planned, for a specified time period. The SPI is an efficiency rating for work accomplishment, comparing work accomplished to what should have been accomplished.

  • An SPI value above 1 indicates project team is very efficient in utilizing the time allocated to the project.

  • An SPI value below 1 indicates project team is less efficient in utilizing the time allocated to the project.

EAC Analysis report

Variance Analysis report

SPI hours

Schedule Performance Indicator Hours

SPI = Earned hours / Budget to date hours

Schedule Performance Indicator Hours (SPI Hours) is an index showing the efficiency of the time utilized on the project in terms of hours.

  • An SPI Hours value above 1 indicates project team is very efficient in utilizing the time allocated to the project.

  • An SPI Hours value below 1 indicates project team is less efficient in utilizing the time allocated to the project.



Schedule Variance

SV = Earned (BCWP) – Budget to date (BCWS)

Budgeted Cost of Work Performed minus Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled.

Schedule Variance is the difference between the budgeted cost of work performed and the budgeted cost of work scheduled at any point in time. Schedule Variance indicates how much ahead or behind schedule the project is.

Variance Analysis report

SV %

Schedule Variance Percentage

SV % = (SV / Budget to date) * 100

(Schedule Variance divided by Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled) times 100.

Schedule Variance % indicates how much ahead or behind schedule the project is in terms of percentage.

Variance Analysis report

SV Hours

Schedule Variance Hours

SV hours = Earned hours – Budget to date hours

Schedule Variance Hours indicates how much ahead or behind schedule the project is in terms of hours.


SV % Hours

Schedule Variance Percentage Hours

SV % hours = (SV hours / Budget to date hours) * 100

Schedule Variance % Hours indicates how much ahead or behind schedule the project is in terms of percentage.


TCPI bac

To Complete Performance Indicator for Budget at Completion

TCPI bac = (Budget – Earned) / (Budget – Actual)


Also stated as:


Work Remaining divided by Cost Remaining. Also stated as (Estimate At Complete minus Budgeted Cost of Work Performed cumulative) divided by (Budget At Complete minus Actual Cost of Work Performed cumulative).

To Complete Performance Indicator (TCPI) is an index showing the efficiency at which the resources on the project should be utilized for the remainder of the project.

TCPI bac is an indicator of the validity of the BAC.  If TCPI bac is very different from CPI, there should be an explanation for how the performance is going to improve for the remaining work to achieve the reported BAC.

The EAC Hours and EAC Currency data come from the CAWP table in Deltek PM Compass.

EAC Analysis report

Variance Analysis report

TCPI bac hours

To Complete Performance Indicator Hours for Budget at Completion

TCPI bac hours = (Budget hours – Earned hours)/( Budget hours – Actual hours)

TCPI bac hours is an indicator of the validity of the BAC measured in hours. If TCPI bac is very different from CPI, there should be an explanation for how the performance is going to improve for the remaining work to achieve the reported BAC.


TCPI eac

To Complete Performance Indicator for Estimate at Completion

TCPI eac = (Budget – Earned) / (EAC – Actual)


Also stated as:

TCPIe = (BAC-BCWPcum) / (EAC-ACWPcum)

Work Remaining divided by Cost Remaining. Also stated as (Budget At Complete minus Budgeted Cost of Work Performed cumulative) divided by (Estimate At Complete minus Actual Cost of Work Performed cumulative).

To Complete Performance Indicator (TCPI) is an index showing the efficiency at which the resources on the project should be utilized for the remainder of the project.

TCPI eac is an indicator of the validity of the EAC.  If TCPI eac is very different from CPI, there should be an explanation for how the performance is going to improve for the remaining work to achieve the reported EAC.

The EAC Hours and EAC Currency data come from the CAWP table in Deltek PM Compass.

EAC Analysis report

Variance Analysis report

TCPI eac hours

To Complete Performance Indicator Hours for Estimate at Completion

TCPI eac hours = (Budget hours – Earned hours) / (EAC hours – Actual hours)

TCPI eac hours is an indicator of the validity of the EAC measured in hours. If TCPI eac is very different from CPI, there should be an explanation for how the performance is going to improve for the remaining work to achieve the reported EAC.


Usage Variance 1 (Budget)

Usage Var 1

Usage Variance 1 (Budget) = (BCWSunits – ACWPunits) X BCWSprice


BCWSprice =    BCWS($)    


Units = hours or quantity as defined in options tab

A Usage Variance indicates that it is taking more hours (or consuming more units) than originally budgeted.  A positive Usage variance indicates the budgeted units (either hours or a quantity) is less than the actual units used.  A negative Price Variance indicates the actual units is higher than the budgeted units.  The formals include cumulative to date budgeted units and cumulative to date actual units. 

When there is a usage variance, a statistical forecast that multiples the remaining effort by a performance factor, like 1/CPI, should be compared with the forecast being provided by the person performing the work.  

Price and Usage Analysis report

Usage Variance 2 (Performance)

Usage Var 2

Usage Variance 2 (Performance) = (BCWPunits – ACWPunits) X BCWPprice


BCWPprice =    BCWP($)    


Units = hours or quantity as defined in options tab

Usage Variance 2 is good for analyzing a usage variance for in progress work.  Since Earned Value (BCWP) is used in the calculation, it eliminates any variance in progress that can be encountered when the work is not progressing as planned.

When there is a usage variance, a statistical forecast that multiples the remaining effort by a performance factor should be compared with the forecast being provided by the person performing the work.

Price and Usage Analysis report


Can have alternates using EACcpi or EACcomposite

Variance at Completion


Variance at Complete = Budget at Complete - Forecast at Complete

Budget At Complete (BAC) minus Estimate At Complete.

How much over or under budget the project is estimated to cost at completion.

Variance Analysis report

Explanation of Spend Variance report

VAC hours

Variance at Completion Hours

VAC hours = Budget hours – EAC hours

How much over or under budget the project is estimated to cost at completion, measured in hours.



Variance at Completion Percentage

VAC % = (VAC / Budget ) * 100

How much over or under budget the project is estimated to cost at completion, measured in percentage.


VAC % hours

Variance at Completion Percentage Hours

VAC % hours =  (VAC hours / BAC hours) * 100

How much over or under budget the project is estimated to cost at completion, measured in percentage and hours.




Variance = Budget to Date - Actual

Variance is used to see the difference between what was budgeted and the actual costs.


Variance Hours

Variance Hours

Variance Hours = Budget to Date hours - Actual hours

Variance Hours is used to see the difference between the budgeted hours and the actual hours.



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