Model Changes Overview

Before you begin, Deltek highly recommends that you review the Change Management Process for a detailed description of each step in the process.

When a PM Compass project is integrated with a schedule, the change request typically involves changing the schedule. When a change request such as adding activities to the schedule, or other changes such as the addition of resource assignments or changes to relationships are made, the source project is not updated until the change request is approved. Instead, changes entered are recorded and applied using the Model Changes view and applied to the live project on the complete step.  

When the change is approved, PM Compass updates the current schedule. Only those fields affected by the change request are updated. Thus, if the schedule has changed since the change request was created and the change details entered, those changes are applied to the updated schedule when the change is approved.  

For example, assume a change request is for the addition of a new resource assignment on an activity. Since the change request was created, the duration on the activity has increased and a relationship has been added. When the change is approved in the Model Changes view, the entire activity in the change request is not copied to the schedule because that would overwrite the subsequent changes. Instead, only the actual changes that were made are applied. In this example, the resource assignment is added to the activity. The new duration and relationship are not affected.  

Using Model Changes to approve a change request has a number of advantages:

If you open a project that includes a change request directly via Open Plan, the PMC Change Text column displays all activities in the project as changed. This is not an accurate reflection and you should view the project in Model Changes to see which activities have changed.

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Model Changes Workflow Views

When you access Model Changes, the List View displays workflows and user assignments. After you open the schedule in Open Plan that is associated with the changes, you can use this view to select change requests to model in Open Plan. The view includes a Workflows grid that displays the workflows and an Assignments grid that displays the current list of assignees. You can also add new workflows in this view.

Click the Form View button on the toolbar to display the form for the selected workflow.

You must have Open Plan installed in order to see the Model Changes menu in the Navigation pane.

Modeling Session Views

When you are in the Model Changes view and you click Load Changes, PM Compass displays the Modeling Session List View. The List View displays the list of workflows that you selected in the Model Changes List View for modeling in Open Plan. You can select the workflow to which you are making changes in Open Plan, view details of change requests, and approve or submit workflows for review.

If you select a workflow and click Form View, PM Compass automatically makes that workflow active.

List View and Form View Toolbars

Model Changes includes toolbars for the List and Form views.

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