Model Changes Workflow List View

Use this view to select one or more workflows to model in Open Plan.

The Workflows grid displays all workflows that are not complete and are associated with the currently active schedule in Open Plan. An active schedule is one that you have open and are currently viewing in Open Plan (that is, the tab that is currently selected/active). If the active schedule is a master project, you must also open the subprojects if you want them to be considered active and to see the related workflows in Model Changes. The grid also displays workflows where the associated schedule is blank on the Workflow form, but there is an associated schedule specified on the PM Compass Project Schedule Integration tab and at least one schedule is active.

If you have a master schedule with subprojects and are creating a change to an external relationship, it is important that you also open all subprojects so that they can be correctly analyzed. If you don't open the subprojects, PM Compass will create a temporary milestone to represent the changes to the relationship.

The Assignments grid displays the currently assigned users as well as the next step assignee (if the Next Step Assignee Can Edit Current Step option is selected) for the selected workflow.

PM Compass filters the workflow list based on the entry in the Workflow Type field. The first time you access the view, the Workflow Type field defaults to the first workflow type to which you have access that includes Change Details and that has the Create, Edit or Delete activities option selected. When you change the filter, PM Compass remembers your selection the next time you access this view. You can filter the list further using the Search field.

When you change from one active schedule to another in Open Plan and you click Refresh in Model Changes, PM Compass updates the list of workflows in the grid.

For more information about model changes, see Model Changes Overview and the Change Management Process.

List View Toolbar

For information about the options on the toolbar, see List View Toolbar.

Workflows Grid

Grid Toolbar

Field Name



Click the drop-down arrow to display the following options:

  • Print: When you select this option, PM Compass displays the Print Preview form with the grid contents.

  • Export to Excel: When you select this option, PM Compass exports the grid's contents to Microsoft Excel. PM Compass opens Microsoft Excel and displays the data.

  • Enable Grouping: Select this option to group column records. The grouping does not display on the reports. If you export the grid to Excel, PM Compass exports the grouping in collapsed form and you can expand each group to display the total for the selected group.

  • To group column data, drag a column header to a field above the column headers. PM Compass only displays the field above the column headers when you select this option.

  • PM Compass displays a filter icon beside each column header that you can use to specify filter criteria for a selected column. When you click the icon, the drop-down list includes the following options:

    • (All): Select this option to display all records.

    • (Custom): Select this option to display the Custom Filter dialog box.

    • (Blanks): Select this option to display all records for the selected column that do not contain information.

    • (NonBlanks): Select this option to display all records for the selected column that contain information.  

    • Other options also display, depending on the columns that you select. For example, selecting the Resource column that includes Painters also displays Painters in the filter drop-down list.

Select Columns

Click to display the Select Columns dialog box and select the columns you want to display in the grid.

Workflow Type

Use this field to select a workflow type to display in the grid. This field lists all workflow types to which you have access that include Change Details and that have the Create, Edit or Delete Activities option selected on the Change Details on Form tab in Workflow Type Configuration. When you select a different workflow type, PM Compass automatically refreshes the grid.

PM Compass remembers this setting the next time you access the view.

Grid Columns

The table below lists the default columns. You can select the columns to display using the Select Columns dialog box. The available columns are the same ones that you can select in the Workflow List View. To see the standard PM Compass field descriptions, see Standard Fields Available for All Workflow Types.

Field Name



This is the workflow ID.


This is the workflow title.

PM Compass only uses the Title you assign in Workflow Type Configuration as the default title for the workflows that the system generates as part of a step or alert process. It does not become the default title for the workflows you manually create.

Associated Schedule

This is the name of the Open Plan schedule associated with the selected control accounts on the change request. While you can have many schedules linked to a PM Compass project, each workflow can only have control accounts that exist in one Open Plan schedule.

In addition to the Model Changes List View, you can also add this field to the Workflow List View, Workflow Form View, and the Workflow List Report.

Workflow Status

This is the current status of the workflow (for example, In Review or Approved).

My Action Required

This indicates the next step action for the current step. It is useful when you want to process actions for multiple workflows. It only displays a value when you have a current assignment on the workflow.

See Manually Process a Step Action, and Schedule a Step Action for more information.


This is the name of the PM Compass project.

Assignments Grid

PM Compass creates assignment records at the beginning of the workflow step. There is one assignment record for every person who may advance the workflow (next step approvers cannot advance the workflow).

This grid displays the currently assigned users as well as the next step assignees (if the Next Step Assignee Can Edit Current Step option is selected) for the selected workflow. To display the grid, click the chevron at the bottom of the view.

Click a column header to change the sort order.

Grid Toolbar

Field Name


Show Past Assignments/Hide Past Assignments

Click this button to either display or hide past assignments.

Grid Columns

Field Name



This is the step number assigned to the assignment.


This is the value assigned in the Description field for the step in the Workflow Steps grid.

Action Required

This is the text of the positive action option for the step (such as Approve and Submit). It is blank if the action has been completed, or if the change request is suspended or closed. It displays None when the assignment is an edit-only access assignment (the Edit Only Access checkbox is selected).


This is the label of the user field used for the workflow step. Examples are Control Account Manager, Project Controls Analyst, and Project Manager.

If the change request is assigned manually or is assigned to the originator, this column is blank.


This is the name of the user responsible for the assignment.


This indicates that the user who performed the action is a delegate of the original assignee.

Edit Only Access

This indicates that the assignment was added by the next step approver. For more information, see Next Step Assignee Can Edit Current Step.

Due Date

This is the due date for the assignment.

PM Compass calculates its value using today’s date and the Default Due Date you assigned in Workflow Type Configuration. For example, if the date today is 4/1/10, 5 is the default due date, and there are no working weekend days,  4/8/10 becomes the default due date.

This column is blank when the assignment is an edit-only access assignment (the Edit Only Access checkbox is selected).

Step Start Date

This is the date when the step started. This is usually when notifications are sent to the user so that they know there is an action they need to perform.

Action Taken Date

This is the date when the user took action on the step that changed the step state.

This column is blank when the assignment is an edit-only access assignment (the Edit Only Access checkbox is selected).

Action Taken

This is the action taken that changed the step state.

This column is blank when the assignment is an edit-only access assignment (the Edit Only Access checkbox is selected).


This is the comment entered for an assignment. Click the hyperlink to display the text viewer dialog box.

This column is blank when the assignment is an edit-only access assignment (the Edit Only Access checkbox is selected).

View location

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