Next Step Assignee Can Edit Current Step

When you select Next Step Assignee Can Edit Current Step on the Change Details on Form tab in Workflow Type Configuration, the assignee on the next step of the workflow can edit the data on the workflow form and in the Change Details view and you can condense the time it takes to approve a workflow by having multiple people edit it at the same time.

PM Compass lists the next step assignee assignments in the Assignments grid (Workflows List View and on the Progress tab) with the Edit Only Access checkbox selected. If the assignee is the next step assignee's delegate, the Delegate checkbox is also selected. The Past Assignment grid does not display next step assignee assignments and they do not display in the My Assignment's static search.

The next step assignee can only make edits when the current step is New or In Review and next step is In Review. In addition, they cannot take any action such as submitting or approving a workflow, or using the Submit for Review feature.

This feature is also useful when used in conjunction with Submit for Review.


You select Next Step Assignee Can Edit Current Step and the workflow steps are as follows:

Step 1 (In Review): Schedule approves

Step 2 (In Review): CAM approves

Step 3 (In Approval): PCA approves

Step 4 (In Approval): PM approves

When the workflow is on Step 1, both the Scheduler and CAM can edit the workflow; however, the CAM cannot approve, reject, or perform any workflow actions. The CAM is able to edit at this stage because he/she is assigned to Step 2 which has a status of In Review.

When the workflow advances to Step 2, only the CAM can edit the workflow; the Scheduler can no longer edit it and the PCA cannot edit it because the step that the PCA is assigned to (step 3) is In Approval.

When the workflow is on Step 3, the workflow is now In Approval and can no longer be edited. The PCA can approve or reject the workflow but neither the PCA nor the PM can edit it.  

Setting Up the Feature

To enable this feature, select Next Step Assignee Can Edit Current Step on the Change Details on Form tab in Workflow Type Configuration.

If you want to email or use a dashboard alert to notify the next step assignee that they can edit a workflow, you must add the Notify Submit for Review step action on the Workflow Steps tab in Workflow Type Configuration. The default user who gets notified for this step action is the Next Step Assignee. Click the Email or Dashboard hyperlinks if you want to edit the default messages or edit the users who receive the notification.

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