Configure Submit for Review

Use the Submit for Review feature in the Modeling Changes List or Form view to let the next step assignee see the changes that made to the schedule before approving the workflow. This is useful for reducing the overall workflow duration. PM Compass creates the change baseline (deleting any existing change baseline); confirms that the sandbox is created (or waits for it to be created); executes the step actions on the current step that include "on Submit for Review" in the description; and displays a message to indicate that the process is being sent to the Process Server. The workflow does not advance as a result of this action. 

When certain step actions are added to a step with the Submit for Review option selected in the Steps grid, PM Compass adds the step actions twice. One runs when the step is completed. This step action description includes "on <Completed Step Status>" (for example, "on Approval"). The other runs when you click Submit for Review in the Modeling Changes view and includes "on Submit for Review" in the step action description. You can clear the Active option in the Step Actions grid if you don't want one or other of the step actions to run. PM Compass updates the user-initiated alerts when you change (add/edit/remove) step actions.

The step actions that this applies to are:

If you add the Submit for Review Notification step action (Workflow Type Configuration » Workflow Steps Tab), PM Compass sends an email and/or dashboard alert to the next step assignee. The email includes a hyperlink to the cost data in a spreadsheet (if configured) and lets them know that they can review the changes that you made to the schedule. By default, the notification is sent to the Next Step Assignee; however, you can click the Edit or Dashboard hyperlinks in the Steps grid if you want to edit the default messages or edit the users who receive the notification. You can edit the email content in Step Notification Defaults.

This feature is useful when used in conjunction with Next Step Assignee Can Edit Current Step on the Change Details on Form Tab. This allows the assignee on the next step of the workflow to edit the data on the workflow form and in the Change Details view and you can condense the time it takes to approve a workflow by having multiple people edit it at the same time. For more information about this feature, see Next Step Assignee Can Edit Current Step

Enable "Submit for Review" and Add the Relevant Step Actions

Before you can use this feature, you must enable it and add the relevant step actions.

To configure Submit for Review in Workflow Type Configuration:

  1. Navigate to the Workflow Steps Tab in Workflow Type Configuration.

  2. Select the workflow for which you want to enable the Submit for Review feature.

  3. On the Workflow Steps tab, select the Submit for Review checkbox on the relevant step.

  4. Doing this enables the Submit for Review menu option on the Modeling Changes List and Form view toolbars.

  5. In the Step Actions grid, click Insert » Submit for Review Notification.

  6. PM Compass displays the Add Submit for Review Alert Dialog Box where you can specify whether you want PM Compass to send an email and/or dashboard notification.

  7. If the notification will be sent to the Next Step Assignee (the default), you should also select the Next Step Assignee Can Edit Current Step option on the Change Details on Form tab in Workflow Type Configuration.

  8. If you do not select Next Step Assignee Can Edit Current Step, the notification will not be sent.

  9. Add any other step actions that you want PM Compass to run when you click the Submit for Review menu option.

  10. Deltek recommends that you perform a recalculation before the next step assignee reviews the data.

  11. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for other steps as needed to enable the Submit for Review feature.