Configure Open Plan to Use with Model Changes

There are several tasks that you need to complete before you can use Model Changes. This topic provides information and steps for each of the tasks.


PM Compass and Open Plan Data Source

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Data Source

In order to access the Model Changes view directly from within PM Compass or from the Open Plan Add-ins menu, the PM Compass data source must match the Open Plan Data Source. If there is a problem with the data source, PM Compass displays a message letting you know and you will not be able to see the Model Changes view.

The Open Plan Data Source must use the same server name, database name, and database username as entered into Weblink.

  • For Oracle, the Service name/SID (as defined in tnsnames.ora) and Username must match the Weblink entries in PM Compass.

  • For SQL Server, the Database Server, Database Name, and SQL Login must match the Weblink entries in PM Compass.

If you are not sure if your settings are correct, contact your Administrator.


Actual Date Option in Your Open Plan Schedule

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PM Compass assumes that in progress activities have an actual start date. If progress is entered through PM Compass, an actual start date is required to progress an activity. To enforce this same rule while performing data entry in Open Plan, it is recommended that you enable the Actual Date option in Time Analysis.  When this option is enabled (the default), Open Plan displays actual dates of in-progress and complete activities.


Access Rights

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In order to create or update a change request, or approve  in Model Changes:

  • You must have at least read-only rights to the Open Plan schedule

  • You must be assigned to the workflow step

  • The workflow step must be In Review

Change Baseline

When PM Compass creates the temporary Change Baseline, the person who approved the change request is the owner. If another user wants to see the baseline, the owner will need to grant access.


In order to process a change request, the schedule cannot be briefcased. For more information about briefcasing, see the Open Plan online help.

How to...

Set Open Plan Access Rights Required for Change Management


Set Access to the PM Compass Application Server

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In order to access the Model Changes view directly from within PM Compass or from the Open Plan Add-ins menu, the PM Compass data source must match the Open Plan Data Source. If there is a problem with the data source, PM Compass displays a message letting you know and you will not be able to see the Model Changes view.

If the application URL changes or the Open Plan data source is altered, you can change the URL in the Open Plan System Preferences Defaults dialog box. Alternatively, you can edit a file on the desktop where Open Plan is installed to override the database setting.


How to...

Set Access to the PM Compass Application Server

Process Server Queue Name

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To expedite the approval process, the workflow portion of the approval process is scheduled using the process server. The system will use the default System Queue name if you do not set a process server queue name.

How to...

Set the Open Plan Integration Process Server Queue Name

Configure a Master Project

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If you want to create relationships between subprojects, you must configure an Open Plan master project with external subprojects.

  • Confirm the subprojects use the same fields (for example, Code 1, Code 2, and User_char1) to link the activities to the work package or milestone.

  • Confirm all of the subprojects have a baseline with the same name (for example, Baseline).

  • Create a master project and make each project an external subproject in the master project.

  • In the master project, create a baseline using the Use Baseline of the Same Name on External Subprojects option in the Add Baseline dialog box.

  • In PM Compass, navigate to the Schedule Integration tab of the Projects Form view. In the Open Plan Master Schedule field, select the Open Plan master project you created. In the Schedule Projects grid, make sure that the baseline selected in the Budget Baseline field for each subproject associated with the Open Plan master project uses the same baseline name.


Learn more about...

Using Open Plan Master Projects

External Relationships

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