Using Open Plan Master Projects

This topic includes information about Open Plan master projects.

Master Project Baseline

If you have change requests that affect multiple projects, you must have a master project in Open Plan with external subprojects. You must create a baseline in the master project with the same name as the baseline selected for the subproject on the Schedule Integration tab in the Projects Form view. When you create the baseline in the Open Plan master project, you must select the Use Baseline of Same Name on External Subprojects option in the Add Baseline dialog box in Open Plan. Selecting this option means that the master project will use the information on the baseline found in the external subproject.

When loading multiple changes in PM Compass against a master project in Open Plan, all of the associated projects for those changes, which open in the selected master project must use the same baseline in PM Compass. The master project must also have a baseline of the same name. The reason for this is that, during the Approve and Submit for Review processes, PM Compass creates a change baseline by copying the included activities (from the budget baseline selected in the PM Compass Project Form view) into the change baseline and updates them with the changes that have been modeled. In order for Open Plan to copy the activities from the budget baseline when you are modeling with a master project, a baseline of the same name must also exist at the master project level.

Master Projects and Code Files

When you are using a master project and modeling changes for workflows with different projects, the master project and all of the subprojects must use the same code file for the linking fields. In Open Plan, if the master project and all subprojects do not share the same code file, Open Plan disables the input for the code assignment on the activity in the Activity Details dialog box. You will not be able to enter a code assignment into the schedule to link an activity to a work package.

Modeling Changes Using Open Plan Master Projects

The Model Changes Workflows grid displays all workflows associated with the active schedule in Open Plan that are not complete. An active schedule is one that you have open and are currently viewing in Open Plan (that is, the tab that is currently selected/active). If the active schedule is a master project, you must also open the subprojects if you want them to be considered active and to see the related workflows in Model Changes.

Master Projects and External Relationships

In Model Changes, when you select the workflows that you want to model, if you have a master schedule with subprojects and are creating a change that includes external relationships, it is important that you also open all subprojects so that they can be correctly analyzed. If you do not open the subprojects, PM Compass will create a temporary milestone to represent the changes to the relationship.

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