Set up a Cobra Master Project

This topic guides you through setting up a master project to use in PM Compass. Before beginning, review the Master Projects Overview.


Related Topics

Create the master project in Cobra and assign the subprojects to the master project.


See the Cobra online help » Projects » Multiproject Operations (Master and Subprojects) section which includes the following topics:

  • Multiproject Guidelines

  • Create a Master Project

  • Assign Sub-Projects to a Master Project

Learn more about...

Master Projects


Make the Cobra master project visible in PM Compass. Make sure that you check the box that makes the subprojects visible as well.

How to...

Make Cobra Projects Visible in PM Compass

Add access control to the master project.

Note: Access control for all subprojects is set/managed at the master project level; therefore, you only have to apply access control at the master project level.

How to...

Define Access Rights to a Project

Learn more about...

Access Control Tab of the Projects Form


Link schedules to the subprojects and configure the linking fields for the Master Project.

If you do not have a Cobra subproject, you need to label the cost system fields on the Project Fields tab before linking the schedule. The cost system fields on the Schedule Integration tab will be read-only until they are labeled.

How to...

Create or Update Field Labels for Control Account and Work Package Codes

Link Schedule Projects to PM Compass Projects

Learn more about...

Fields Tab

Schedule Integration Tab

Check the settings in the Assignment Mapping grid and the Progress Admin Group. The master project views are all filtered by these settings.

Assignment Mapping

The Assignment Mapping grid on the System Settings Progress tab identifies who can enter progress and who can approve progress in these views:

  • Enter Cost Progress

  • Approve Cost Progress

  • Enter Schedule Progress

  • Approve Schedule Progress

It is also used to filter the My Cost Analysis and My Schedule Analysis views. For example, if you have the CAM entered at the control account level of the assignment mapping hierarchy grid and you login as a CAM, you can only see the control accounts where your user login ID matches the value in the CAM field.  Similarly, if you have the PCA entered at the project level and you login as the PCA, you can see the entire project.

Progress Admin Group

Any user who is part of the selected group can enter or approve progress for all projects to which they have access. In addition, members of this group can see all data in the My Cost Analysis and My Schedule Analysis views for projects to which they have access.


Learn more about...

Assignment Mapping Grid

Progress Tab

Next Step

The next step is to review Working with Master Projects.

What do you want to do?

Master projects overview

Working with master projects

Search for a master project

Cannot select linking fields in a PM Compass-only master project

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