Create a Budget Change Request

Use this procedure to create and define a Budget Change Request.


Before creating a change request:

To create a Budget Change Request: 

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Workflows » Change Management » <Budget Change Request type>.

    If there are no Budget Change Request types listed, click Workflows » Change Management and continue with the next step where you will be able to search for the Budget Change Request type.

  2. On the List View toolbar, click New » New Workflow.

    If the Workflow Type Search dialog box displays, select the Budget Change Request type.

    If you have existing Budget Change Requests, you can select one in the List View and click New » Copy Current Workflow. This copies the information from the original Budget Change Request into the new Budget Change Request.

    The right pane changes to Form View.

  3. On the Budget Change Request form General tab, enter the required information.

  4. Click Change Details to display the Change Details View where you can specify the changes to the budget.

  5. On the form toolbar, click Start Workflow to start the workflow steps and submit the Budget Change Request.

    When you click Start Workflow, PM Compass checks to see if the selected control account is currently part of another In-Progress change request in the same change management category. If it is, a warning message displays: The Control Account has unapproved Change Management workflows. Do you want to continue? If you click Yes, the workflow steps starts. If you click No, the workflow steps do not start. You can select a different control account or delete the Budget Change Request.

    If the control account is part of another In-Progress request, Deltek recommends that you use the Search dialog box or use the Workflow List report to find all unapproved workflows with the same control account to be sure there's no overlap in the two change requests with the same control account. See Modify the Workflow List Report to Find Unapproved Workflows for more information.

What do you want to do?

Delete a budget change request

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