

The Purge form is used to configure settings that are used by the PURGE service to delete records from the Shop Floor Time database tables. You can set the number of days records must remain in the database before they can be purged. You can also enable/disable the Category of tables you want to purge. The PURGE service is configured on the Service Instance form. You can create a separate instance of this service for each Category you want to purge.

You should run the PURGE service when there is minimal database activity, preferably overnight.

See Also:

Purge Field Descriptions

Modify a Purge Setting

Purging Transaction Records


Purge Field Descriptions


Identifies the type of data that will be purged. Each Category corresponds to specific database tables.

Note that you can create a separate instance of the PURGE service for each Category you want to purge. This service is configured on the Service Instance form.

Purge Category

ACTION (action, action_prompt, and action_process_status tables)

Action data contains records of actions made at specific terminals. The data can be viewed in the Action, Action Prompts, and Process Status forms. The settings you apply here will affect all three types of data.

Default Purge Days: 2557


AUDIT (audit_log table)

Audit data is data from tables that you have enabled for auditing via the Audit Group form. Audit data can be viewed in the Audit Log and Audit Log Data forms.

Default Purge Days: 2557


BIOMETRIC_TEMPLATE (biometric_template table)

Deletes unenrolled fingerprint templates from the biometric_template table. These records can be viewed in the Biometric Assignment form.

Default Purge Days: 2557


EMPLOYEE_LOAN (employee_loan and employee_loan_assignment tables)

Deletes records from the employee_loan and employee_loan_assignment tables. These records can be viewed in the Employee Loan and Manage Employee Loan forms.

The PURGE service will only delete employee loan records with an End Date that is less than or equal to the current date, minus the Purge Days.

Default Purge Days: 2557


ERROR_LOG (error_log table)

Deletes records from the error_log table. These error messages can be viewed in the Error Log form.

Default Purge Days: 366


EXPORT (export_output, export_output_data, export_output_data_map, and export_output_parameter tables)

This category will delete export data, which is generated from exports that are run via the Exports form, the EXPORT service instance, or the PAYROLL_EXPORT service instance.

Default Purge Days: 31


INTERFACE_IN (interface_in_queue, interface_in_xml_queue, and interface_in_xml_queue_dtl tables)

The setting for this Purge Category will affect Interface in Queue and In XML Queue records.

Default Purge Days: 7

In the interface_in_queue table (Interface In Queue form), the PURGE service will delete records with the Transaction Status C (Complete), S (Sync), or X (Cancelled).

In the interface_in_xml_queue table (In XML Queue form), the PURGE service will delete records with the Queue Status C (Complete), W (Waiting), X (Cancelled), E (Error), or S (Sync).

In the interface_in_xml_queue_dtl table (In XML Queue Dtl tab), the PURGE service will delete records with the Record Status C (Complete), X (Cancelled), or E (Error).


INTERFACE_OUT (interface_out_queue and interface_out_xml_queue tables)

The setting for this Purge Category will affect Interface out Queue and the Out XML Queue records.

Default Purge Days: 7

In the interface_out_queue table (Interface Out Queue form), the PURGE service will delete records with the Transaction Status C (Complete) or X (Cancelled).

In the interface_out_xml_queue table (Out XML Queue form), the PURGE service will delete records with the Transaction Status C (Complete) or X (Cancelled).


MESSAGE (message and message_response tables)

Deletes records in the message and message_response tables. This data can be viewed in the Message Log and My Messages for in the web and in the Message View form in a client terminal.

The PURGE service will delete expired messages – records with an end_date that is prior to the current date.

If you do not want the PURGE service to delete a message, you can enable the DO_NOT_PURGE setting for the message. For Trigger Messages, this setting is enabled in the Trigger Setting tab in Message Policy. For Dialog, System, and Exception Messages, this setting is enabled in the Message Settings tab in the Message Policy. You can also use the Set Message Attribute Do Not Purge operand in your Messaging Ruleset. The value of this operand overrides the message setting.

Default Purge Days: 366


OFFLINE DATA (terminal_offline_queue and terminal_offline_queue_dtl tables)

Offline data is data that has been downloaded from the terminal to the application server. This data can be viewed in the Offline Data Queue and Offline Data Records forms. The purge settings you apply here will affect both types of data.

Default Purge Days: 366


PAYROLL_LOCK (sign and sign_audit tables)

Used to delete sign audit records that have been signed by Payroll Lock. The PAYROLL_LOCK category deletes records from the sign and sign_audit tables with a sign_category of PAYROLL. These records can be viewed in the Sign Audit form.

Default Purge Days: 2557


PERSON_LOCK (person_posting_lock table)

Deletes records from the person_posting_lock table.

Default Purge Days: 366


PROCESS (process_audit table)

Process data is available in the Service Audit form. It stores information about when a service instance started, ended, or failed.

Default Purge Days: 31


PVE_SESSION_DATA (pve_session_data table)

Deletes records from the pve_session_data table, which stores information created and used during event prompting sessions for individual persons. Once the event prompting session is no longer in use, the PVE Session Data can be deleted.

Default Purge Days: 2


REPORTS (report_instance table)

Deletes records from the report_instance table, which stores reports generated in the Reports form.

Default Purge Days: 31


SIGN (sign and sign_audit tables)

Used to delete sign audit records that have been signed by an employee or supervisor. The SIGN category deletes records from the sign and sign_audit tables with a sign_category of EMPLOYEE or SUPERVISOR. These records can be viewed in the Sign Audit form.

Default Purge Days: 2557


TERMINAL STATUS AUDIT (terminal_status_audit table)

Terminal status audit data is stored in Status History. The Status History form allows you to view a specific terminal's status history.

Default Purge Days: 31

Note: The PURGE service will always keep the most recent record in the terminal_status_audit table.


TRANS_ACTION (all trans_action tables)

This data pertains to time spent on actions, such as time spent between a clock in and a clock out.

Default Purge Days: 2557


TRANS_ATOMIC (trans_atomic table)

This data pertains to time spent between events, such as time spent between clock in, break start, break end, and clock out.

Default Purge Days: 2557



Purge Days

Determines the number of days' worth of data to keep. This value is compared to the Update Date of a record to determine if the record can be deleted. If the time between the record's Update Date and the current date is greater than the Purge Days, the record will be deleted.


When this box is checked, the PURGE service will purge data in that particular Category.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Modify a Purge Setting

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Services > Purge.

  2. Select the Purge Category you want to modify and click Modify.

  3. Change the Purge Days and Enabled setting as necessary and click Save.


Purging Transaction Records

If you plan to use the PURGE service to purge transaction records in your database, you should create a separate instance of the PURGE service for each Purge Category shown below and run these service instances in the order shown:




See Service Instance for information on creating and modifying a service instance.