
Employee Loan

The Employee Loan form allows a supervisor to loan one or more employees to another supervisor. The borrowing supervisor can then review, edit, and approve the timecards of the loaned employees, based on the settings in the borrowing supervisor's Supervision Date Policy.

A supervisor can also use the Employee Loan form to create a new assignment for the employee (such as Schedule Cycle or Shift) for a designated time period. The new assignment can be created along with the employee loan, or you can create an assignment without loaning the employee.

For example, SupervisorA manages a group of 1st Shift employees. SupervisorB manages a group of 3rd Shift employees. SupervisorB is short staffed and needs to borrow some employees from SupervisorA. SupervisorA loans two of his employees to SupervisorB and also changes the employees' shift to the 3rd Shift for the duration of the loan. For the duration of the loan, SupervisorB and SupervisorA will have authority over the loaned employees, and these employees will be assigned to the Third Shift.

You will need to configure the Employee Loan form in your Form Profile to enable the appropriate fields to view and change employee assignments. Your Supervision Date Policy will determine the actions you can perform in the timecard for a loaned employee. Refer to Employee Loan Feature for more information

The Employee Loan form has two tabs:

If you are acting as another supervisor who delegated authority to you, the delegating supervisor's employees will be visible on the Employee Loan form. You can add, modify, and delete these loans and assignments. However, you cannot loan one of these employees to yourself.

See Also:

Creating Employee Loan Records

Modifying and Deleting Employee Loan Records

History Tab

Assignment Tab


Create Employee Loan Records

Use the Create tab on the Employee Loan form to loan an employee to another supervisor, create a new assignment for an employee, or both.

The Create tab will display the employees you supervise (based on the filter settings explained below). It will indicate whether an employee is loaned to another supervisor or if you are borrowing the employee from another supervisor. Note that you cannot create an employee loan record for a borrowed employee.

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage > Employee Loan and click the Create tab.

  2. If necessary, click the Filter button to display the filter fields.

  3. Enter the Start Date and End Date for the employee loan record you are creating.

  4. If you are creating an employee loan for dates in the past, and the loan includes an assignment (schedule, shift, pay rate, etc.) the assignment change may affect the transactions that were already posted on those past dates. You may have to Recalculate the person's timecard.

  5. You can use the other filter fields (Employee, Facility, Supervision Type, and Include Direct) to select the employees for which you are creating the employee loan record.

  6. Check Include Loaned to display employees who already have employee loan records in effect during the Start Date and End Date range.

  7. Click Find.

    The employees you supervise that meet the filter criteria will appear in the middle of the form.

    Only the employees who you supervise for the days in the Start Date/End Date range will appear. For example, if you are borrowing Employee_01 from 6/1 to 6/2 and you set the Start Date/End Date to 5/31 and 6/7, this employee will not appear on the form. This employee will only appear on the form if you set the Start Date to 6/1 and the End Date to 6/2.

    The Loaned To column identifies the current loaning or borrowing supervisor for the person (if any) and the dates of the loan. In the image above, supervisor Jeremy Baum is currently logged in. Person 2102 is Loaned To Jeremy Baum, so Jeremy is borrowing Person 2102. Person 1101 is Loaned To Jacob Mowery.

    The Permanent Managers column displays the supervisors of any DIRECT_MANAGER, SUPERVISOR_MANAGER, or Hierarchy groups that the Person belongs to.

    If you configured the Create tab of the Employee Loan form to display columns for employee assignments, these columns will also appear on the form. The PERSON_ASSIGNMENT item in your Security Data Role will also determine which assignments you can view.

  8. Select the employees for which you want to create a loan and/or assignment and click Add.

    On the Add pop-up form, the Start and End Date will be read-only and set to the same dates you selected in the filter.

  9. In the Loan To field, select the supervisor who will be borrowing the selected employees. If you are only creating an assignment for the selected employees, leave this field blank.

  10. If the Create tab has columns for employee assignments (Schedule Cycle, Shift, etc.), these fields will also appear on the Add form. The PERSON_ASSIGNMENT item in your Security Data Role will also determine which assignments you can create on the Add form. Use these fields to select a setting value if you are creating a new assignment for the selected employees.

  11. If you are creating an employee loan for dates in the past, and the loan includes an assignment, the assignment change may affect the transactions that were already posted on those past dates. You may have to Recalculate the person's timecard.

  12. Click Save when you are done.

    The new employee loan record cannot overlap an existing employee loan record for the same employee. You will have to delete or modify the current employee loan record first.

    If you loaned the employees, they will become members of a DIRECT_MANAGER Employee Group for the borrowing supervisor. If the borrowing supervisor is already a direct manager, the employees will be added to the borrowing supervisor's DIRECT_MANAGER group. Otherwise a new DIRECT_MANAGER group will be created for the borrowing supervisor. The employees will be members of this DIRECT_MANAGER group for the date range you specified for the loan.

    If you created an assignment for the selected employees, an Override assignment will be created on the Employee Assignment form. The employee loan record will always create an override assignment, even if the employee did not have a default assignment of the same type. For example, you are managing a group of elapsed employees with no default shift and you loan them to another supervisor and assign them the 3rd Shift. Your employees do not have a default Shift assignment, but once you create this loan, they will each have an Override assignment for the 3rd Shift.

    If you created a Schedule Cycle assignment for the selected employees, the new schedule will automatically be generated for each employee.

  13. You can view, modify, and delete the employee loan record on the Maintain tab of the Employee Loan form.


Modify and Delete Employee Loan Records

Use the Maintain tab on the Employee Loan form to modify or delete employee loan records.

The Maintain tab will display the employee loan records of the employees you supervise (based on the filter settings explained below). It will indicate whether the employee is currently being loaned to another supervisor or if you are borrowing the employee from another supervisor.

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage > Employee Loan and click the Maintain tab.

  2. If necessary, click the  Filter button to display the filter fields.

  3. Select the Loan Effective Date of the employee loan records you want to modify or delete.

  4. You can use the other filter fields to narrow your search.

  5. Select a Loan To supervisor to view only the employees who were loaned to a particular supervisor.

  6. Select a Loan Type to view only the employees you have Loaned or the employees that were loaned to you (Borrowed).

  7. Use the Employee filter field to search for employees by their First Name, Last Name, Employee Number, or Login Name. For example, to find Employee Number 1101 named Jane Doe who has Login Name JDOE001, you can enter 1101, Jane, Doe, or JDOE001 in the Employee field. You can also use the * or % wildcard symbol in this field to search using partial values. The wildcard symbol can be placed anywhere in your search value to represent unknown characters. For example, to find employees whose First Name, Last Name, Login Name, or Employee Number starts with the letter b, enter b* in the Employee field. To find employees whose First Name, Last Name, Login Name, or Person/Employee includes 007, enter *007* in the Employee field.

  8. Check Include Cancelled to display employee loan records that have been deleted. The Cancelled column on the Maintain tab will have a checkmark for these records.

  9. Click Find.

    The employees you supervise that meet the filter criteria will appear in the middle of the form.

    The Loan From and Loan To columns identity the supervisor who loaned the employee (Loan From) and the supervisor who borrowed the employee (Loan To). If the Loan To field is blank, the record is for an assignment only and not a loan.

    The Start Date and End Date show the effective dates of the employee loan record.

    The Loan Type indicates whether you have Loaned the employee or Borrowed the employee. If this field is blank, the record is for an assignment only and not a loan.

    The Cancelled box will be selected if the employee loan record has been deleted. You may have to select the Include Cancelled box in the filter to display these records.

    If you configured the Maintain tab of the Employee Loan form to display columns for employee assignments, these columns will also appear. The PERSON_ASSIGNMENT item in your Security Data Role will also determine which assignments you can view.


Modify an Employee Loan Record

You can select one or more records on the Maintain tab of the Employee Loan form and modify them.

If you want to modify multiple records, you must be the loaning supervisor or the borrowing supervisor of all the records.

You can use the Modify button to:

To modify an assignment value, select the box next to the assignment and select a new value from the drop-down list.

To delete an assignment, select the box next to it and select the blank value from the drop-down list.

Click Save when you are done.

When you return to the Maintain tab, the changes you made will be visible on the form. If you changed the Start or End Date of the record, you may need to change the Loan Effective Date in the filter to view the modified record.

If you modified the Schedule Cycle in the employee loan record, the new schedule will automatically be generated for each employee.

If you modified an employee loan record, the History tab of the Employee Loan form will show the original (now cancelled) loan or assignment record and the modified record. Deleted records will also display on the History tab (with the Cancelled box checked).

The Assignment tab of the Employee Loan form will show the new assignment values you selected. If you deleted an assignment value from the Modify pop-up form, the assignment record will also be deleted from the Assignment tab of the Employee Loan form.


Delete an Employee Loan Record

If you are the employee's permanent supervisor, borrowing supervisor, loaning supervisor, or have SUPERVISOR_ADMIN in your Security Data Role, you can select one or more records on the Maintain tab and Delete them.

When you delete an employee loan record, the Cancelled box will be selected on the Maintain tab.

If you delete an employee loan record that loans an employee to another supervisor, the employee's member record will be deleted from the borrowing supervisor's DIRECT_MANAGER Employee Group.

If you delete an employee loan record that includes an assignment, the assignment will be deleted from the Employee Assignment form. The assignment will still be displayed on the Assignment tab of the Employee Loan form. However, if there is another assignment of the same type in Employee Assignment, then the Override box will be selected on the Employee Loan Assignment tab.

If you delete an employee loan record that has a Schedule Cycle assignment, and the person does not have another Schedule Cycle assignment on those dates, then the Schedule Cycle from the employee loan will remain in effect. The SCHEDULE_GENERATION service will not delete this schedule because the person does not have another assigned schedule to replace it.


History Tab

The History tab on the Employee Loan form shows the changes that were made to an employee loan record.

Select the Maintain tab on the Employee Loan form and use the filter fields to view the appropriate records. When you select a record in the grid, its deletion and modification history will appear on the History tab.

The History tab has the same fields as the Maintain tab, with the addition of the Cancel Date and Cancelled By fields. These fields identify the date the record was modified and the person who modified it.

In the image below, the Maintain tab shows that Employee 1101 is assigned to the 3rd Shift from 6/10 to 6/14, but does not have a Schedule Cycle assignment. The History tab shows the current record and the original (now cancelled) record. The original employee loan record did have a Schedule Cycle (Maintenance Schedule). When the original record was modified, the Schedule Cycle was removed.


Assignment Tab

The Assignment tab on the Employee Loan form shows the assignment changes that were made for a specific employee.

This tab will show the assignments that were added with or without an employee being loaned to another supervisor. If you create an employee loan without an assignment, then no records will be included on the Assignment tab.

In the image below, Employee 1101 (Debbie Stone) was loaned to Jacob Mowery on 6/4/2019 and assigned the Inventory Schedule and 3rd Shift. There is a record on the Assignment tab for each of these assignments.

Assignment Type is the name of the assignment setting (SCHEDULE_CYCLE, SHIFT, etc.).

Assignment Value is the value of the setting (e.g., the name of the schedule or the shift number).

Level Number is assigned automatically when you create a new assignment on the Employee Loan form. It indicates which assignment should be used when assignments have overlapping dates.

Example 1: An employee has a default Shift 1 assignment. On the Employee Loan form, the employee is assigned to Shift 3 for two weeks. The Shift 3 assignment appears on the Assignment tab of the Employee Loan form with Level Number 1. The Shift 3 assignment also appears on the Employee Assignment form with the Override box checked and Level Number 1.

Example 2: The Employee Assignment form shows an employee has a default Shift 1 assignment and a Level 1 Override assignment of Shift 2. On the Employee Loan form, the employee is assigned to Shift 3 for the same time span as the Shift 2 assignment. The Shift 3 assignment appears on the Assignment tab of the Employee Loan form with Level Number 2. The Shift 3 assignment also appears on the Employee Assignment form with the Override box checked and Level Number 2.

Overridden indicates that the assignment record has been overridden by another assignment due to a change in the Level Number or assignment value. For example, a person has a default SHIFT assignment of Shift 1. The Employee Loan form assigns the person to Shift 3. The Employee Assignment interface then changes this assignment value to Shift 2. The Assignment tab on the Employee Loan form will still show the Shift 3 assignment but the Overriden box will be checked because there is another shift assignment that takes precedence (Shift 2 in Employee Assignment).