

The Delegation form is used by supervisors to grant someone temporary authority over their employees. The supervisor that receives the temporary authority (the "acting supervisor") can then Act As the original supervisor and use the application with the same privileges as the original supervisor. The original supervisor's Supervision Date Policy will determine which actions the acting supervisor can perform.

You can assign all your employees to the acting supervisor, or you can assign a specific Group or Employee. If you have a Supervisor Role, the functional areas in this role will be assumed by the acting supervisor when you delegate your authority.

When authority is delegated, the original (delegating) supervisor still has authority over his or her employees.

When the acting supervisor uses the Act As icon or the Act As form to “Start Acting As” the delegating supervisor, the acting supervisor will only have authority over the delegating supervisor’s employees, and will not have authority over his or her own employees. To resume authority over his or her own employees, the acting supervisor has to select “Stop Acting As” or log out of the application. The acting supervisor will also resume authority over his or her own employees when the delegation period ends.

The Start and End Date of the Delegation record determine when the acting supervisor can Act As the delegating supervisor. To restrict the post dates for which the acting supervisor can sign, unsign, add, or modify transactions in employee timecards, use the Delegation Restriction setting.

Note: The acting supervisor must have access to the Act As form in his/her Security Role.

Subcontractor Delegation

If you are a subcontractor (your Employee Type is SUBCONTRACTOR), you can only delegate your authority to persons with the same vendor as you. You can view a subcontractor’s vendor information on the Vendor Rate tab of the Employee form.

Employee Loan

When you delegate authority, the acting supervisor can create employee loan records for your employees. However, the acting supervisor cannot loan the delegated employees to himself.

Supervision Date Policy

When you Act As a delegating supervisor, you will be restricted by the Supervision Date Policy that belongs to the delegating supervisor.

Detail Form:

Delegation Detail

See Also:

Delegation Field Descriptions

Find a Delegation Record

Enable/Disable a Delegation

Add a Delegation

Delete a Delegation


Delegation Field Descriptions


When this box is selected, the authority is enabled and active.

Delegating To

This field identifies the acting supervisor to whom you have delegated authority. You must select a person who has access to the Act As form in their Security Role.

Note: The supervisor to whom you delegate the authority must use the Act As icon or the Act As form to use the authority.

Start Date, End Date

This field identify the dates when the Delegating To supervisor can Act As the delegating supervisor. During this date range, the Delegating To supervisor can act as the delegating supervisor.

Although the Start and End Date determine when the Delegating To supervisor can Act As the delegating supervisor, these dates do not restrict the post dates for which the acting supervisor can sign, unsign, add, or modify transactions in employee timecards. If you want to prevent acting supervisors from signing, unsigning, adding, or modifying transactions with a post date that is outside this date range, set the Delegation Restriction setting to True.

Delegation Type

This field indicates which of your employees will be assigned to the acting (Delegating To) supervisor for this delegation assignment. The following options are available:

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find a Delegation Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage > Delegation.

  2. Click the Filter button to display the filter fields.

    In the Effective Date field, select the date of the delegation records you want to view.

    Select the Enabled Delegations box to display only records that are Enabled. If this box is not selected, then both enabled and disabled delegations will appear.

    Select a supervisor from the Delegating To field to display only records you have delegated to a specific supervisor.

  3. Click Find.


Enable/Disable a Delegation Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage > Delegation.

  2. Select the record you want to enable/disable and click the Enable/Disable button on the toolbar.

    Note that if the Enabled Delegations box is selected in the filter, then only enabled delegations will appear.


Add a Delegation Record

You can only delegate authority to supervisors who have access to the Act As form in their Security Role.

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage > Delegation.

  2. Click Add.

  3. In the Delegating To field, enter the Person Number of the supervisor to whom you want to delegate, or click the button to display the Employee pop-up form.

    If you clicked the button, use the Employee pop-up form to select the supervisor to whom you want to delegate authority. This form will only display persons who have the Act As form enabled in their Security Role.

  4. Enter the effective dates for this delegation in the Start Date and End Date fields.

  5. Select a Delegation Type. The Delegation Type will determine which employees the acting supervisor will be managing.

  6. If you select ALL as your Delegation Type, the acting supervisor will have access to all the employees you supervise.

  7. If you select HIERARCHY as your Delegation Type, the acting supervisor will have access to employees that are members of a Hierarchy group for which you are listed as a manager. You will need to select a Hierarchy Type and Hierarchy Name. In the Group field, you will also have to select the specific hierarchy group you are delegating.

  8. If you select GROUP as your Delegation Type, the acting supervisor will have access to employees that are members of SUPERVISOR_MANAGER Employee Group where you are listed as a Employee Group Manager. In the Group field, you will have to select the specific group you are delegating. Move the group from the Available column to the Selected column if you want the acting supervisor to manage it.

  9. If you select DIRECT as your Delegation Type, the acting supervisor will only have access to employees that you manage directly (via a DIRECT Employee Group).

  10. If you select PERSON as your Delegation Type, the acting supervisor will have access to a specific employee. Select the employee from the Person Num field. The Person Name will update accordingly.

  11. If you want to add more than one Delegation record, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Add Delegation pop-up window open. Or click Save to save your settings and return the main Delegation form.

  12. The delegation is immediately enabled by default. You can click the Enable/Disable button to disable it.


Delete a Delegation Record

You can only delete delegation records that have a Start Date in the future.

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage > Delegation.

  2. Select the record you want to delete and click Delete.

  3. Click OK to confirm the action.