
Security Roles

The Security Roles form is used to define which forms a user can access in the application. A Security Role also determines the various actions (find, add, modify, delete, sign, recalculate, etc.) a user can carry out within each form.

The Default Security Role does not have access to any forms. The Default Security Role is assigned on the System Settings form and applies to all users until they are assigned another Security Role. The Admin Security Role is the only role that by default allows a user to view all forms.

Each user that needs access to the system must be defined on the Employee form.

A Security Role can be assigned to a single Person/Employee via the Employee Setting form, to a Employee Group with type POLICY_GROUP or FACILITY via the Employee Group Setting form, or to all users via the System Settings form. A Person setting overrides an Employee Group setting, which overrides a System Setting. See Settings Precedence for more details.

If a person is assigned to more than one Security Role, then the person will have the security permissions defined in all the roles at the highest settings preference.

For example, a person is assigned to two Security Roles on the Employee Setting form: Employee (contains only the Self Service menu forms) and Administrator (contains only the Administration menu forms). This person is also assigned to two Security Roles via System Settings: Employee and Supervisor (contains only the Manage menu forms). The Employee Setting has precedence over the System Settings. Therefore the person has access to the forms in the Employee and Administrator Security Roles. If the person did not have any Security Roles in the Employee or Employee Group Settings, then the Security Roles in System Settings would take precedence. In this case, the person would have access to the forms on the forms in the Employee and Supervisor Security Roles.

See Also:

System Required Security Roles

Security Role Field Descriptions

Using the Security Roles Form


System Required Security Roles

There are several system-required Security Roles that cannot be deleted or modified. However, you can copy a system-required record and modify the copy.

The system-required Security Roles are listed in the table below:

System Required Security Role Name



The Admin Security Role has access to all forms.


The Default Security Role does not have access to any forms. The default security role is assigned on the System Settings form and applies to all users unless the user has another role assigned.

Default Administration

The Default Administration Security Role has access to the Administration menu and its sub-menus. It also has access to Policies in the Configuration menu.

Default Employee

The Default Employee Security Role has access to the Self-Service menu items, such as Balances, Preferences, Punch Time, Time Card, and Time Off Request.

Default Payroll

The Default Payroll Security Role has access to the Payroll menu items, such as Payroll Lock, Payroll Lock Audit, and Sign Audit.

Default Person Management

The Default Person Management Security Role has access to the Employee Management menu, which includes Badge Management, Employee, and Employee Group.

Default Supervisor

The Default Supervisor Security Role has access to the following menus: Charge Element, Schedules, Manage (includes Delegation, Act As, Time Card Review, and Time Off Review), Reporting and Self-Service.


Security Role Field Descriptions

Security Role Name

Identifies the name of the Security Role. You can select a Security Role Name from this drop-down list. You can also click the button next to the Security Role Name field and select Add, Lookup, or Maintain.

Select Add to create a new Security Role.

Select Lookup to display a pop-up form from which you can select a Security Role to view or modify.

Select Maintain to display a pop-up form from which you can select, add, modify, delete, or copy a Security Role.

Note that you cannot modify or delete a System Required Security Role.

When you select a Security Role Name, a hierarchical list appears in the middle of the form with the available menus, forms, and actions in the application. If an item is checked, then users assigned to the Security Role can open the form and perform the action. See Using the Security Roles Form for more information.


When you add or modify a Security Role, you must also include a description of the Security Role. The Description appears on the pop-up form when you Add, Lookup, or Maintain a Security Role (see above).

System Required

The System Required checkbox appears on the pop-up form when you Lookup or Maintain a Security Role (see above).

If this box is checked, the record is system-required and cannot be modified. However, you can make a copy of the record and modify the copy.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Using the Security Roles Form

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Security > Security Roles.

  2. Use the Security Role Name field to select a Security Role or to create a new one.

  3. Click Find.

    A hierarchical list appears with the available menus, forms, and actions in the application.

  4. Click the and buttons to expand or collapse the menus and forms.

    Web contains the forms available in the Shop Floor Time application. The forms are organized by their menu location.

    Mobile Forms contains the forms available in the Mobile Client and the Mobile Web Application.

  5. Check the box next to an item to enable it.

    If an item is checked, then users assigned to the Security Role can open the form and perform the action.

    Check the menus, forms, and actions that you want users in this Security Role to access. Do not check the items that users should not be able to access.

    When you check or uncheck a menu or form that has items under it, the items underneath will be checked or unchecked as well. For example, if you check the Administration option, then all the menus, forms, and actions in the Administration menu will also be checked.

  6. Click Save.