
Mobile Web Application

The Mobile Web Application is a version of the Shop Floor Time application that can be run on a mobile device’s browser. You can run this application on mobile devices such as the iPhone, iPad, and Samsung Galaxy.

For a version of the Shop Floor Time application that can be run as a native application on the mobile device, use the Mobile Client.

To use the Mobile Web Application, the appropriate modules must be licensed and enabled. You must also configure menus and terminal records for the Mobile Web Application.

See Also:

License Requirements

System Requirements for the Mobile Web Application

Configuration for the Mobile Web Application

Running the Mobile Web Application

Menu (Available Forms)


License Requirements

The appropriate modules must be included in your license file and they must be enabled.

Module Name


Mobile Forms

Required for all Mobile Web Application forms. This module enables the Mobile Web Application.

Mobile Self Service

Enables the My Time Card form in the Mobile Web Application. When the My Time Card form is enabled, the Favorites and Recently Used options can also be available in the Menu.

Mobile Time Clock

Enables the Time Clock form in the Mobile Web Application.

Mobile Timecard Review

Enables the Time Card Review form in the Mobile Web Application.


To check if a module is included in your license and enabled:

  1. In the Shop Floor Time web application, click Main Menu > Configuration > System > Licensing.

  2. On the License Modules tab, select a Module Name for the Mobile Web Application (refer to the table above).

  3. The following boxes must be checked: Licensed and Module Enabled.


System Requirements for the Mobile Web Application

Supported Device

Operating System

Browser Supported

Samsung Galaxy

Android version 5.1

Default Browser

iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

iOS version 9.2



Application Settings for the Mobile Web Application

If you are using the Time Clock form in the Mobile Web Application, you will need to configure the Application Settings listed below.

To modify these settings, navigate to Main Menu > Configuration > System > Application in the Shop Floor Time web application.

Setting Type




These settings are the Global Identifier and Device Identifier for the Time Clock form of the Mobile Web Application.

These values will need to match the GID and DID of the Terminal record you define for the Mobile Web Application.


This setting indicates whether the LABOR_ALL service will be executed for each transaction that posts from the Time Clock form of the Mobile Web Application.

Set this value to TRUE if you want the LABOR_ALL service to be executed for each transaction that posts from the Time Clock form of the Mobile Web Application. The transactions may take slightly longer to post with this setting.

Set this value to FALSE if you do not want the LABOR_ALL service to be executed for each transaction that posts from the Time Clock form of the Mobile Web Application. This method is the way transactions normally post from a shop floor terminal. Transactions may post more quickly with this setting.


Configuring the Forms and Fields in the Mobile Web Application

The modules you have licensed and enabled for the Mobile Web Application will determine which forms are available in the Mobile Web Application. See “License Requirements” above for information.

To determine which forms and fields a user can access in the Mobile Web Application, you need to configure your Security Role and Form Profile.


Enabling a Form (Security Role)

A user’s Security Role will determine which of the available forms in the Mobile Web Application the user can access. For example, you may enable the Time Card Review form for your supervisor's Security Role, but disable this form for your employee's Security Role.

To modify the Mobile Web Application forms in a Security Role, click Main Menu > Configuration > Security > Security Roles in the Shop Floor Time web application. Select the Security Role Name you want to modify.

Click the button next to the Mobile Forms option. Check the forms you want to enable and uncheck the forms you want to disable.


Enabling the Fields in a Form (Form Profile)

A user’s Form Profile will determine which fields appear in the Mobile Web Application forms. To modify a Form Profile, click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Form Profile in the Shop Floor Time web application.

You will need to configure the Default Mobile Form in the Form Profile. The Default Mobile Form is the form that displays when the user clicks the Home button. If Save View State is disabled, the Default Mobile Form will appear each time the user logs into the Mobile Web application

To change the Default Mobile Form, select Maintain from the Form Profile Name quick link . In the pop-up form, select the Form Profile and click Modify. Select an option from the Default Mobile Form field.

In the main Form Profile form, select the Form Profile Name you want to modify. Then click the button next to the Mobile Forms option. Select the form you want to configure. On the right side of the screen, you can add, remove, or reorder the fields as necessary.

The Form Profile Details for the Mobile Forms also include several combined fields. A combined field allows you to display the same information in one row instead of two.

In the following illustration, combined fields are used to display the same information in fewer rows in the Daily timecard.


Create a Custom Menu for the Mobile Web Application

You can create a custom menu for the Mobile Web Application using the Menu Tree form. The Menu Tree will determine which events can be posted from the Mobile Web Application.

Note: Do not include events that display information (also called "kiosk events") - such as Daily Timecard, Accruals View, Time Record View, and Schedule View - in your Menu Tree for the Mobile Web Application. The Mobile Web Application will not display kiosk events. If you select a kiosk event from the Time Clock form, an error message will appear.

  1. In the Shop Floor Time web application, click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Menu Tree.

  2. Click the http://kbmw-gingerm:8080/autotime/help/quicklink_icon.gif button next to the Menu Group Name field and select Maintain from the pop-up menu.

  3. To copy an existing Menu Group, select it and click Copy.

  4. To create a new Menu Group, click Add.

  5. Enter the Menu Group Name and click Save.

  6. Select the new Menu Group Name in the pop-up form and click OK.

    The Menu Group’s folder will appear. If you copied an existing Menu Group, you will see the events from that group. If you are adding a new Menu Group, there will be no events in the folder.

  7. Click Add Event.

  8. In the Add Menu Tree pop-up form, select the events you want to add. To select multiple events, press the CTRL key as you select them.

  9. Click Save when you are done.

  10. Make sure you assign this Menu Group to the appropriate Terminal Profile (see below).


Create a Terminal Profile for the Mobile Web Application

You need to create a Terminal Profile for the Mobile Web Application. The Terminal Profile will include the menu you created (see above).

  1. In the Shop Floor Time web application, click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Profile.

  2. Select the Terminal Profile that will be assigned to the Mobile Web Application and click Modify. If there is no Terminal Profile record for the Mobile Web Application, click Add and create a new Terminal Profile record for it.

  3. Select the Menu Group Name for the Mobile Web Application. The menu group determines which events can be posted from the Mobile Web Application.

  4. Select the Timezone that will be used to display the date and time fields on the Mobile Web Application.

  5. From the Login Event Name field, select the event that will display the prompts you want on the login screen. The available options are AUTHENTICATION:LOGIN events defined in the Events form. For example, if you select the LOGIN_XML_BADGE_PASSWORD event, users will log in using a Badge Number and Password.

  6. Select the Default Dictionary that will be used to display the field labels on the Mobile Web Application.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Click Update Server.

  9. You will need to assign this Terminal Profile to the appropriate Terminal records (see below).


Create a Terminal Record for the Mobile Web Application

You need to define a Terminal record for the Mobile Web Application.

  1. In the Shop Floor Time web application, click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Enter a GID and a DID for the mobile device.

    The GID and DID must match the mobile_time_clock_default_gid and mobile_time_clock_default_did in your Application Settings.

  4. Enter a name for the device in the Terminal Name field.

  5. Make sure the Terminal Profile you configured above is assigned to this Terminal record.

  6. Select the Mobile Time Clock as the Terminal Type.

  7. Make sure the Status is set to Active.

  8. Click Save.


Running the Mobile Web Application

Open the web browser on your mobile device and enter the URL for the Mobile Web Application. For example, http://<IP address of app server>:8080/autotime/

Enter your Username and Password and select the Log In button.

Note: If you are using SSO with a Kerberos server or SSO with SAML, the Log In page and the credentials used to log in will be different.

Note that the Login Event Name in your Terminal Profile will determine what prompts appear on the Login form. For example, if you select the LOGIN_XML_BADGE_PASSWORD event, users will log in using a Badge Number and Password.

If Save View State is enabled in your Form Profile, the last form you viewed will appear. Otherwise, the Default Mobile Form in your Form Profile will appear.

The Home button displays the Default Mobile Form in your Form Profile.

The Back button displays the previous form.

The Log Out button takes you to the Log In page.

The Menu button displays the Mobile Web menu. Click the X to close the menu.



Create a New Password After Reset or Expiration

If your password is reset or expires, you must change it using the Change Password button. This button will only be visible if the login_page_change_password_enabled Application Setting is TRUE for the MOBILE application. The button will not be available if your login is configured for SSO or SSO with SAML.

When you click Change Password, the form to change your password appears.

Enter your Login Name in the User Name field.

If your password expired, enter your expired password in the Old Password field.

If your password was reset, enter the temporary password in the Old Password field. The supervisor or administrator who reset the password can tell you the temporary password.

Enter your new password in the New Password field.

Re-enter the new password in the Confirm Password field.

Click Save.

If the password change was successful, you will be logged into the application.

If your new password does not meet the requirements in your Password Profile, a Change Password Failed message will appear.

If the new password has any of the following characters, a Change Password Failed message will also appear:

#  %  \  '  ?   =  +  &

You cannot use the above characters in your password.


Time Card Review

The Time Card Review form in the Mobile Web Application displays timecard data for the logged-in supervisor’s employees. You can sign and unsign the timecards; add elapsed and punch transactions; modify and delete transactions; and view transaction details.

The main Time Card Review form displays each of the logged-in supervisor’s employees along with their total hours for the period (Classified Duration) and the employee and supervisor sign status.

In Time Card Review you can:

Filter the Employees

View a Timecard

Sign/Unsign Employee Timecards

Add, Modify, and Delete Events for an Employee


Filter the Employees in Time Card Review

Use the Filter button on the Time Card Review form to change the type of employees you want to view. Select Find when you are done. The Time Card Review form will update the list of employee timecards accordingly.


View a Timecard in Time Card Review

Select a row on the main Time Card Review form to display the employee’s timecard in Summary View.

When you are in Summary View, each day displays as a separate row. If a day is a split day in a 9-80 schedule, each half will display separately. To show the split day in one row, disable the summary_show_mid_period_split_day Form Setting.

You can show or hide the filter area by clicking the or   button.

Status indicates whether the period has been signed by the employee or supervisor , if the period has been payroll locked , and if there are any warnings for the period.

To change the date range for the timecard you are viewing, select a new Effective Date.

Select a day in the timecard to view the events posted on that day (Daily View form). You can add, modify, and delete events in Daily View.

To display Transaction Details for the event, select the > button on the right. This form shows detailed information about a transaction, including the event name, start and end times, order numbers, activity numbers, and account numbers.

Select the Back button at the top of the screen to return to Daily View.


Sign/Unsign Timecards in Time Card Review

Use the Sign Period and Unsign Period buttons on the Time Card Review form to sign or unsign selected employee timecards.

To select the employees, check the box next to each employee. Check the box to select all the employees.

The Sup. Sign field for each employee will show the supervisor sign icon () if the entire period is supervisor signed. A red X will appear if the period is not signed.

In the Summary View of Time Card Review, select Sign Period or Unsign Period. The Status section will show the supervisor sign icon () if the entire period is supervisor signed.

In the Daily View of Time Card Review, select Sign Day or Unsign Day. The Status section will show the supervisor sign icon () when the day is supervisor signed.


Add, Modify, and Delete Events for an Employee

In Daily View of the Time Card Review form, select Add Elapsed or Add Punch to add an event to the day.

Select the event you want to post and fill in any remaining prompts that appear.

You can configure the timeout settings for the info messages and success messages that appear when you add and delete events. See info_message_timeout and success_message_timeout in the Form Settings topic for more information.

Select Save to save only this event. Select Save and Add to post this event and keep the form open to post additional events.

To Modify or Delete an event, select the  button next to the event on the Daily View form. If you select Modify, the Event Prompts form will appear with options to modify the elapsed or punch event. Change the prompt values as necessary and select Save.



Balances is a view-only form that displays your balances for time off, such as vacation, sick, and personal days. This form shows all the employee’s balance records and the corresponding number of units in each balance.


Find Balance Records

Click the Filter button at the top of the Balances form to display the Leave Type Code and  Year fields. Use these fields to specify which balance records you want to view. Click Find to update the records on the Balances form. Click Clear to remove the values from the Leave Type Code and Year fields. Click Cancel to return to the Balances form without changing your filter settings.


View a Balance's Transactions

To display the transactions that caused a withdrawal from a balance, select the > button on the right of the balance record. The Balance Transactions form will open.

Balance transactions are updated when an action is posted by the ATTENDANCE service or an elapsed event, or when the balance is manually updated on the Balance tab of the Employee form.

To view a balance's transactions for a specific date, click the Filter button on the Balance Transactions form. Select the Start Date and End Date and click Find. The Start and End Date fields will filter the records based on their Update Date.


Time Off Requests

The Time Off Request form allows the logged in user to request time off. A supervisor can then approve or disapprove the request using the Time Off Review form. The status of the time off request will then be updated for the employee to see on the Time Off Request form.


Add a Time Off Request

Click the Add Request button on the Time Off Requst form to add a time off request. This button is the same as the Add Time Off Request option in the Main Menu.

Select the time off Event for the request and set the Start Date and End Date to the dates of the request. Select the Hours Type (Full Day, Half Day, or Hours Amount), and a Duration and Start Timestamp if necessary. Enter any optional comments in the Request Comment box.

Click Save when you are done. The Time Off Request form will open so you can view the new request.


Modify a Time Off Request

An employee can modify a Pending and/or Approved time off request with type Schedule. Employees cannot modify Disapproved requests or requests with type Cancel.

When an already approved request is modified, the originally approved request will stay on the form; a new record with type Cancel will be added to the form; and a pending request with type Schedule will be created.

To modify a time off request, select the round button next to the request and click the Modify button. Change the settings as necessary and click Save.


Cancel a Time Off Request

An employee can cancel a Pending and/or Approved time off request with type Schedule.

When an already approved request is cancelled, the originally approved request record will remain unchanged, and a new record with type Cancel will be added to the form.  

To cancel a time off request, select the round button next to the request and click the Cancel Request button. A success message will appear when the request is cancelled.


My Time Card

The My Time Card form in the Mobile Web Application displays the logged-in employee’s timecard. Use this form to sign and unsign your timecard; add elapsed and punch transactions; modify and delete transactions; and view transaction details.

The main form displays each day in the pay period and the total hours for each day. Each day displays as a separate row. If a day is a split day in a 9-80 schedule, each half will display separately. To show the split day in one row, disable the summary_show_mid_period_split_day Form Setting.

To change the dates you are viewing, select an Effective Date.

Status indicates whether the period has been signed by the employee or supervisor , if the period has been payroll locked , and if there are any warnings for the period.


View Daily Events and Transaction Details in Your Timecard

Select a row on the My Time Card form to display the Daily View form.

Select Find on the Daily View form to refresh the screen and display the latest changes.

Select the event on the Daily View form to display the Transaction Details form.


Sign or Unsign Your Timecard

To sign or unsign the entire pay period, select the Sign Period or Unsign Period button on the My Time Card form.

To sign or unsign a single day, select the Sign Day or Unsign Day button on the Daily View form.

The Status field will display the employee signature icon () when the day or period is signed.


Add, Modify, or Delete an Event in Your Timecard

In Daily View, select Add Elapsed or Add Punch to add an event to the day. These buttons are the same as the Add Hours and Add Punch options in the Main Menu.

Select the event you want to post and fill in any remaining prompts that appear.

You can configure the timeout settings for the info messages and success messages that appear when you add and delete events. See info_message_timeout and success_message_timeout in the Form Settings topic for more information.

If you selected Add Elapsed, you can use the Favorite Name field to select a Favorite or a Recently Used event.

Select Save or Save and Add to post the event.

If you are posting an elapsed event, you can select Save Favorite to save the event as a Favorite.

To Modify or Delete an event, select the button next to the event on the Daily View form. If you select Modify, the Event Prompts form will appear with options to modify the elapsed or punch event. Change the prompt values as necessary and select Save.


Time Clock

The Time Clock form in the Mobile Web Application allows employees to enter real-time punch transactions.

When you select the Time Clock option, the available events will appear.

Select the event you want to post. If the event has prompts, the prompts will appear.

Enter the prompt values as necessary and click Save. A message will appear when the event posts successfully and you will return to the list of available events.


Add Punch

Use the Add Punch option in the Main Menu to post an event in a manner that is similar to a real-time collection terminal. This menu option is the same as selecting Add Punch from the Daily View of the My Time Card form.

The Timestamp defaults to the Effective Date or Post Date in the timecard. Change this value as necessary.

Select the event you want to post and fill in any remaining prompts that appear. Click Save when you are done.

You can configure the timeout settings for the info messages and success messages that appear when you add and delete events. See info_message_timeout and success_message_timeout in the Form Settings topic for more information.


Add Hours

Use the Add Hours option in the Main Menu to record the number of hours spent on a particular event (such as Break, Meal, Project, Sick, Day Worked, Vacation, or Work Order) after the event was completed.

This menu option is the same as selecting Add Elapsed from the Daily View of the My Time Card form.

Select the Posting Date and the Event. Fill in any remaining prompts that appear. Click Save when you are done.

You can configure the timeout settings for the info messages and success messages that appear when you add and delete events. See info_message_timeout and success_message_timeout in the Form Settings topic for more information.


Add Time Off Request

Use the Add Time Off Request option in the Main Menu to create a time off request.

This menu option is the same as selecting Add Request from the Time Off Request form.

Select the time off Event for the request and set the Start Date and End Date to the dates of the request. Select the Hours Type (Full Day, Half Day, or Hours Amount), and a Duration and Start Timestamp if necessary. Enter any optional comments in the Request Comment box.

Click Save when you are done. The Time Off Request form will open so you can view the new request.



The Favorites form displays any event favorites you have saved and allows you to save a new event favorite. An event favorite is a saved event that you post frequently. You can save event prompt values, such as order and operation numbers, with the event. When you are ready to post the event, you can select it from the Favorites menu.

Event favorites can only be saved and posted by the logged-in employee in their own timecard. If you save an event favorite in the mobile timecard, it will also be available in the web timecard and vice versa. Supervisors cannot save or post event favorites for their employees.

Note that you can only save elapsed events as favorites. You cannot save punch events as favorites.


Save a Favorite

Select the + Favorite option on the Favorites form to save a new favorite. When you select this option, the Event Prompts – Elapsed form will open. You can use this form to save the favorite and post the event.

Event favorites can also be saved when you select Add Elapsed in Daily View of the My Time Card form.

  1. Select Favorites from the menu and then select + Favorite.


    On the My Time Card form, select a day in your timecard and then select Add Elapsed.

    If you are going to post the event you are saving as a favorite, select the Posting Date when you want to post the event.

  2. Select the Event you want to save as a favorite. Note that you will not enter a Favorite Name until you click Save Favorite.

  3. Enter the other prompt values you want to save. Note that the Posting Date and Hours will not be saved with the favorite.

  4. Select Save Favorite.

    Enter a name for the favorite and select OK.


Post a Favorite

When you select an event favorite from the Favorites form, the Event Prompts – Elapsed form will open with the configuration of the event favorite you saved.

You can also select a favorite when you use Add Elapsed to post an event.

Select the Posting Date and enter the Hours. You can change the other prompts as well. Select Save to post the event.

You can use the return_to_favorite_menu Form Setting to control how the Back button works after you select an event favorite to post. If return_to_favorite_menu is set to 1 (enabled), you will return to the Favorites menu. If return_to_favorite_menu is set to 0 (disabled), you will return to the Daily View of My Time Card.

To modify this setting, go to the Form Profile form and select the Form Profile Name you want to modify. Expand the Mobile Forms option and select the Favorites form. On the Form Settings tab, select the return_to_favorite_menu option and click Modify.


Modify or Delete a Favorite

To delete a favorite:

In the Favorites menu, select the button next to a favorite and select Delete from the pop-up menu.


To modify a favorite:

  1. Select the favorite from the Favorites form.

    The Event Prompts - Elapsed form will appear.

  2. Change the prompt values as necessary. Note that you cannot save an Hours value in your favorite.

  3. Select Save Favorite.

    The Event Favorite form appears.

  4. If you change the Favorite Name, a new favorite will be created with the new name. If you do not change the Favorite Name, your changes will be made to the existing favorite.

  5. Select OK when you are done.


Recently Used

The Recently Used form displays a list of the last events you posted from the My Time Card form. The number of events in this list is configurable. Note that the Recently Used list will only include elapsed events; it will not include punch events.

When you select a Recently Used event, the Event Prompts – Elapsed form opens so you can post the event.

Modify the event prompts (Posting Date, Hours, etc.) as necessary. Select Save to post the event.

You will return to the Recently Used form or the Daily View of My Time Card, depending on the return_to_recently_used_menu setting in your Form Profile.

To delete an item from the Recently Used form, select the button next to the event and select Delete from the pop-up menu.

You can also post a Recently Used event from the Daily View of My Time Card when you click Add Elapsed. The Favorite Name field will display event favorites and recently used events.


Configuring the Recently Used Menu

The Form Settings form includes two settings for the Recently Used menu.


This setting determines the maximum number of events that will appear in the Recently Used menu.

To modify this setting, go to the Form Profile form and select the Form Profile Name you want to modify. Expand the Mobile Forms option and expand the Recently Used form. Select the Event Prompts form under Recently Used. On the Form Settings tab, select the number_of_recently_used_events option and click Modify. Change the Setting Value and click Save.


This setting determines whether you will return to the Recently Used menu or the Daily View of the My Time Card form when you select Back, Cancel, or Save after selecting a Recently Used event.

To modify this setting, go to the Form Profile form and select the Form Profile Name you want to modify. Expand the Mobile Forms option and select the Recently Used form. On the Form Settings tab, select the return_to_recently_used_menu option and click Modify.