
Time Card

Detail Forms:

Period, Weekly, Daily, Punch Time, Period (AutoTime 6)

The Time Card is used by employees to view and/or enter time record data. You can add, modify, and delete these transactions. Note that you cannot modify automatic punches such as transactions posted automatically from a schedule, Late Arrivals, Early Departures, Gap Events, and Outside Gap Events.

The Period, Weekly, and Daily tabs display the employee’s timecard for the entire pay period, one week, or a single day. If the employee does not have an effective Pay Policy for the dates selected in these tabs, then no timecard data will be shown.

See Also:

Configuring the Columns

Adding Timecard Transactions

Modifying Timecard Transactions

Deleting Timecard Transactions

Display Last Message


Configure Columns

See Configuring and Sorting Columns for general information on rearranging, sorting, and locking columns in a form.

On the Period, Weekly, and Daily tabs of the timecard, you cannot lock, unlock, rearrange, or change the sort order of the columns in the right grid (Totals, Duration, days of the week, etc.). You can show or hide these columns using the Form Profile form.

On the Daily tab of the timecard, you cannot sort records if the employee is a Punch employee. The Sort options will only be enabled for Elapsed employees.


Display Last Message

Click the icon to display the last on-screen message that was shown in the Time Card.