
Weekly Tab – Self Service Time Card

The Weekly tab on the Self Service Time Card displays all the event hours you posted during a calendar week, and the total hours for the week.

The tasks you can perform on the Weekly tab (Find, Next, Sign, etc.) must be enabled in your Security Role in order for them to display in the form.

If you do not have an effective Pay Policy for the dates selected in this tab, then no timecard data will be shown.

The fields that are visible in the Weekly tab are based on the Form Profile of the logged on user.

See Also:

Fields in the Weekly Tab

Find Records

How Weekly Timecard Data is Displayed

Download Records

Sign/Unsign Week

Recalculate/Unrestricted Recalculate


Add Elapsed

Add Punch

Add Punch Pair

Add Import Charges

Adding Timecard Transactions

Modifying Timecard Transactions

Deleting Timecard Transactions

Transaction Details

Print the Timecard

Timecard Comments


Fields on the Weekly Tab

Note: The fields that are visible on the Weekly tab are based on the Form Profile of the logged on user, not the Form Profile of the employee whose timecard is showing.

The Weekly tab of the timecard has two sections: a Filter section and the timecard section. The Filter section is used to select which pay week to display (see “Find Records” below).

You can show or hide fields in this tab by modifying your Form Profile.

You can change the names of these fields using the Dictionary Label form.


Filter Fields

The Filter fields display when you click the Filter button on the Weekly tab. To show or hide the Filter fields, edit the Selection Criteria in your Form Profile.

By default, the Name, Employee, Status, Effective Date, Period Begin Date, and Period End Date fields display in the Filter section. You must enable the other fields listed below in your Form Profile if you want them to display.

Name, Employee

These read-only fields display the your name and employee number.


This field indicates whether you or your supervisor signed the week; if the week has been payroll locked; or if an automatic clock out was posted by the ATTENDANCE service.

For split days in 9-80 schedules, the sign and payroll lock Status icons may have half indicators (part of the icon is grayed out). This icon indicates only the first or second half of the day was signed or payroll locked. For example, indicates a supervisor signature is only on the first half of a split day. The icon indicates an employee signature is only on the second half of a split day. The icon indicates only the second half of a split day is payroll locked.

Effective Date

This field indicates the week that is displayed on the Weekly tab.

You can enter a past, present (today), or future date. The default Effective Date is the current date, so your current week’s records are displayed.

Click   or buttons to scroll to the previous or next week. Click   to display a calendar from which you can select another date. All the days in the week will be displayed in the Weekly tab.

Note: If you search for records on the Period, Daily, or Punch Time tab using a different Effective Date or Posting Date, this new date will display in the Weekly tab as well.

Period Begin Date

This field displays the first day of the week that includes the Effective Date.

Period End Date

This field displays the last day of the week that includes the Effective Date.

EWT Hours

This field displays the Approved EWT hours from the Authorized Hours form for the Effective Date you selected.

Comp Time Hours

Displays the Approved Comp Time hours from the Authorized Hours form for the Effective Date you selected.

Auth. Range Type

This field displays WEEKLY if Extra Work Time and Comp Time in the Pay Policy are set to Weekly. This field displays PERIOD if Extra Work Time and Comp Time in the Pay Policy are set to Pay Period.

Auth. Range Start, Auth. Range End

These fields display the dates for the Auth. Range Type (WEEKLY or PERIOD) based on the Pay Policy that is in effect on the Effective Date you selected.

Employee Type

This field identifies your employee category (Administrator, Contractor, Employee, etc.). Defined in your Employment Profile. This field will display the Employee Type from the Employment Profile that is in effect on the Effective Date selected in the Filter section. If there is no Employment Profile record for the specified Effective Date, this field is blank.

Full Time/Part Time

This field indicates your work agreement with the company. It is used for benefit calculations and the various policy and group guidelines to which the employee will be assigned. It is also used to determine work schedules, pay rates, benefit eligibility, etc. Valid entries are Full Time or Part Time.

This field displays the Full Time/Part Time setting from the Employment Profile that is in effect on the Effective Date selected in the Filter section. If there is no Employment Profile record for the specified Effective Date, this field is blank.

Classification Type

This field indicates how you are paid.

The options are:

This field displays the Classification Type from the Employment Profile that is in effect on the Effective Date selected in the Filter section. If there is no Employment Profile record for the specified Effective Date, this field is blank.

Policy Group

This field indicates the Policy Group to which you belong. Policy Groups are defined in the Employee Group form and employees are assigned to Policy Groups using the Employee Group Member tab.

This field displays the Policy Group to which you are assigned on the Effective Date selected in the Filter section. If you are not a member of a Policy Group on the specified Effective Date, this field is blank.

Default Schedule

This field displays the Schedule Cycle to which you are assigned on the Effective Date selected in the Filter section. If you do not have a default Schedule Cycle assignment on the specified Effective Date, this field is blank.

Note that only the Schedule Cycle in your default Assignment record will be shown. If the Schedule Cycle is defined in an Override assignment, it will not be displayed.

AdHoc Assignment 3

Displays the Charge Element with Charge Type ASSIGNMENT3 to which you are assigned on the Effective Date selected in the Filter section. If you are not assigned to an ASSIGNMENT3 Charge Type on the specified Effective Date, the field will be blank.

Note that only the ASSIGNMENT3 Charge Type in your default Assignment record will be shown. If the ASSIGNMENT3 Charge Type is defined in an Override assignment, it will not be displayed.

Default Shift

Displays the Shift to which you are assigned on the Effective Date selected in the Filter section. If you are not assigned to a Shift on the specified Effective Date, the field will be blank.

Note that only the Shift in the person’s default Assignment record will be shown. If the Shift is defined in an Override assignment, it will not be displayed.

AdHoc Assignment 1

This field displays the Charge Element with Charge Type ASSIGNMENT1 to which you are assigned on the Effective Date selected in the Filter section. If you are not assigned to an ASSIGNMENT1 Charge Type on the specified Effective Date, this field is blank.

Note: Only the ASSIGNMENT1 Charge Type in your default Assignment record will be shown. If the ASSIGNMENT1 Charge Type is defined in an Override assignment, it will not be displayed.

AdHoc Assignment 4

This field displays the Charge Element with Charge Type ASSIGNMENT4 to which you are assigned on the Effective Date selected in the Filter section. If you are not assigned to an ASSIGNMENT4 Charge Type on the specified Effective Date, this field is blank.

Note: Only the ASSIGNMENT4 Charge Type in your default Assignment record will be shown. If the ASSIGNMENT4 Charge Type is defined in an Override assignment, it will not be displayed.


Timecard Fields

By default, the fields listed below appear in the timecard section. You can also enable additional fields below in your Form Profile (Resultset Fields Criteria section) if you want them to display.

See “How Weekly Timecard Data is Displayed” below for more information on how to view the timecard data.


This field displays the name of the event that was posted.

Key Name, Key Val

These fields list the prompts and values associated with the Event (such as Order Number and Operation Number). For example, Key Name = /F_ORDER_NUM/F_OPERATION_NUM/F_ACTIVITY_NUM and Key Value = /3000/10/10.

Order Num, Operation Num, Activity Num

These fields display work order, operation, and activity numbers, if any, for this event. These values are defined in the Charge Element form.

Project Num, Task Num

These fields display the project and task numbers, if any, for this event. These values are defined in the Charge Element form.

Indirect Charges

This field displays the indirect charge number, if any, for this event. This value is defined in the Charge Element form.


Find Records

To find records:

  1. Click the Filter button at the top of the Weekly tab.

    The filter area displays your identifying information and information about the selected pay week.

  2. Enter the Effective Date of the pay week you want to view.

  3. Click Find after you select your Effective Date.

How Weekly Timecard Data is Displayed

Note: The fields that are visible in the Weekly tab are based on the Form Profile of the logged on user. You can show or hide these fields by modifying your Form Profile.

The left grid of the Weekly timecard displays the charge items and descriptions.

The right grid displays the hours posted to the charge item, the total hours charged to the item, and the total hours posted to all charge items for the entire week.

To display the Daily tab for a date:

  1. Click a date in the right grid.

  2. Use the horizontal scroll bars on the bottom of the form to view each side of the Weekly timecard separately.

    The format of the hours shown on the timecard is determined by your Duration Format setting in the Preferences form. The options are CLOCK (HH:MM:SS) and DECIMAL (0.00).

Standard rounding rules apply to the timecard. Time entered in the timecard is automatically converted, stored, and displayed according to the applicable Rounding Policy. For example, if a person’s rounding interval is configured to be “Nearest Six Minutes” and the duration amount of 1:05 (one hour, five minutes) is entered into their timecard, the system will convert, store, and display the time as 1:06 (one hour, six minutes) to conform to the time rounding rules. The system applies the Rounding Policy of the person whose timecard is being modified. If a supervisor is modifying an employee’s timecard, the employee’s Rounding Policy is used. In the Self Service timecard, the logged on user’s Rounding Policy is used.


Download Records

To download the timecard records on the Weekly tab:

  1. Click the Download button.

    A message displays asking if you want to open or save the .csv file.

  2. Click Open to view it immediately or click Save to place a copy in your disk.

Sign/Unsign a Week

You can add and remove your employee signature from the week using the Sign Week/Unsign Week button on the Weekly tab.

The Sign/Unsign Week button is only visible if your Sign Policy has the Supervisor Sign Option enabled for Week. The Sign Week button also has to be enabled in your Security Role.

  1. Ensure that the week you want to sign/unsign is displayed (if necessary, change the Effective Date in the filter area).

    If you have not signed the week, the Sign Week button displays. Otherwise, the Unsign Week button displays.

  2. Click Sign Week to add your employee signature to the week.

  3. If you are using the Time Card Check feature, and there are hours exceptions in the week, such as underreported or overreported hours, the Time Card Check pop-up form will appear. This form will list any error or warning messages that resulted from the hours exceptions. If there are any error violations in this form, the week will not be signed.

  4. Click Unsign Week to remove your employee signature from the week.

  5. If a password is required (the Employee Authentication on Sign setting is enabled), a pop-up form will display. Enter your login password and click OK.

When you have signed the week, the icon will appear in the Status field in the filter area of the Weekly tab. This icon will also appear above each day in the right grid of the Weekly tab.

If the week includes a split day in a 9-80 schedule, and each half is not displaying separately (the summary_show_mid_period_split_day Form Setting is disabled), a half indicator may display to indicate if only part of the day was signed. The icon will display if you only signed the first half. Likewise, the icon will display if you only signed the second half.



The Save button is used to save any hourly modifications you make directly in the grid. See Add Hours Directly to the Timecard and Modify an Elapsed Transaction Using Direct Entry.


Add Import Charges

The Add Import Charges button is available when the Preferences form has Time Card Import set to MANUAL. Use this option to manually determine which recently used charges/events you would like to appear in the timecard so you can charge time against them.

  1. Click the Add Import Charges button.

    The Import Charges form displays.

  2. Use the View Periods and Event Type fields to specify which types of charges you want to import.

    View Periods is the number of previous pay periods you want to include when selecting charges to import. For example, if you enter "1," the charges from the previous pay period will be available for import. If you enter "2," the charges from the previous two pay periods will be available for import.

    Event Type specifies the types of events you want to import.

  3. Click Find on the Import Charges form. The charges will appear in the grid.

  4. In the grid, select the charges/events you would like to add to the timecard and click Import.

    The events display on your timecard for the current period and are available to charge time against for the rest of the pay period.

    To remove an imported charge, click the trash icon next to the event on the timecard.


Timecard Comments

Supervisors and employees can view, add, modify, and delete comments in the timecard for a particular pay period. Unlike comments and reason codes, which are associated with a specific transaction, timecard comments are associated with a specific pay period.

If the period you are viewing in the timecard has comments, the Comments icon in the Filter area will be enabled. To view these comments, hover over this icon.

To add, modify, or delete timecard comments:

  1. Go to the timecard Filter and select an Effective Date or Posting Date that is in the pay period for which you are adding, modifying or deleting the comment.

  2. Click .