
Detail Forms:


Prompt Dependency




Prompt Map

Leave Type Code

Comment/Reason Code

Message Trigger


The Events form is used to create and maintain events. Any action recorded by the system – a clock-in, a clock-out, the completion of a labor task – is an event. Each event triggers the capturing of time and other parameters defined for the event. An event can also evoke other events in the system. A Clock-In event, for example, might trigger the Main Menu Display event. Making a selection from the main menu might trigger a Labor Prompt Event, and so on.

The application uses pre-defined events that have built-in prompting and sequencing (see Types of Events). These events are the starting point for setting up your own events. For example, Attendance events affect all employees for clocking in and out, taking breaks and lunches, etc. Labor events, however, have a less universal impact. How labor is performed at your facility may differ from another facility.

See Also:

Events Field Descriptions

Find an Event

Change Event Label

Add an Event

Modify an Event

Copy an Event

Delete an Event


Events Field Descriptions


The identifying name of the event. The Event name is what displays on an employee’s timecard once the event is posted.

You can select an Event from the drop-down list at the top of the Events form. You can also use wildcard characters to search for specific events by name. See Find an Event for more information.

Event Type ID

The Event Type ID displays the Event Type and Event Subtype as defined in the Event Type form. The Event Type ID determines the event's default settings (which can then be modified in the Events form).


Active = This event is active.

Inactive = This event is not active.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.

Available in Offline

When this box is checked, the event is available when terminals are offline.

System Required

When this box is checked, the event is system-required and cannot be modified.


Find an Event

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Events.

  2. Select an Event and/or Event Type ID from the drop-down menu.

  3. You can use the * or % wildcard symbol in the Event field to search using partial values. The wildcard symbol can be placed anywhere in your search value to represent unknown characters. For example, enter P* to find the options that begin with P. Enter P*T to find the options that begin with P and end with T. Enter *PROJECT* to find the options that contain the word PROJECT.

  4. Click Find. The events will display in the grid.

  5. You can modify, copy, or delete an event as explained below.


Change Event Label

An event's label determines the text that is displayed on the various terminal buttons, field labels, messages, etc. In the Events form, you can change the labels associated with a particular event. Note that you cannot modify labels that are listed in the Default English Dictionary. See Dictionary Label for information about creating a custom dictionary.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Events.

  2. Select the event and click Change Event Label.

  3. Select a Dictionary from the Dictionary Name drop-down.

  4. Note: You cannot modify the System Required Dictionary records.

  5. Select the record and click Modify.

  6. Modify the Long Label and/or Short Label.

  7. Click Save.


Add an Event

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Events.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Enter a name for the event in the Event field.

  4. Select an Event Type ID.

  5. From the Status field, select if the event record is Active or Inactive.

  6. If you want the event to be available when terminals are offline, check the Available in Offline Mode box.

  7. Enter a Default Label for the event.

  8. Click Save.

  9. To add detail settings for the new record, select the new record from the Event name drop-down menu and click Find.

  10. Navigate to the lower half of the form and click the applicable tabs to add the settings for Prompt, Prompt Dependency, Filtration, Validation, Setting, Prompt Map, Leave Type Code, Comment/Reason Code, Message Trigger, and Relay.

In order for employees to access the event, the event must be included in a Menu Tree. The employee’s Event Filtration settings will also affect which events are available to post. In addition, the event may have posting restrictions that affect whether or not the event can be posted.


Modify an Event

You cannot modify a record's Event name, Event Type ID, or Default Label.

If an event is included in a Menu Tree or an Event Policy, you will not be able to modify the event.

  1. Find the Event you want to modify.

  2. Select the Event name in the grid and click Modify.

  3. You can change the Status and Available in Offline settings.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Navigate to the lower half of the form and click the applicable tabs to add the settings for Prompt, Prompt Dependency, Filtration, Validation, Setting, Prompt Map, Leave Type Code, Comment/Reason Code, Message Trigger, and Relay.


Copy an Event

  1. Find the Event you want to copy.

  2. Select the Event name in the grid and click Copy.

  3. Enter a new Event name.

  4. You can also change the Status and Available in Offline setting.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Navigate to the lower half of the form and click the applicable tabs to add the settings for Prompt, Prompt Dependency, Filtration, Validation, Setting, Prompt Map, Leave Type Code, Comment/Reason Code, Message Trigger, and Relay.


Delete an Event

  1. Find the Event you want to delete.

  2. Select the Event name in the grid and click Delete.

  3. Click OK to confirm the action.