Comment/Reason Code

The Comment/Reason Code tab on the Events form applies to the Comments and Reason Code Forms feature. It is used to configure Event Policy rules for timecard entries and determines if a user can, cannot, or must enter a comment and/or reason code to explain why an event is added, adjusted, or deleted on the Web timecard. You also specify the reason codes that can be used.

An Event Policy can also be created via the Event Policy form. This configuration allows you to select multiple events at once instead of configuring rules for just one event at time.


Additional Configuration

For employees and supervisors to view posted comments and reasons in the timecard, you must configure the applicable Security Roles and Form Profiles. See System Configuration in Comments and Reason Codes Forms for details.


See Also:

Comment/Reason Code Field Descriptions

Find a Comment/Reason Code

Add a Comment/Reason Code

Modify a Comment/Reason Code

Delete a Comment/Reason Code


Comment/Reason Code Field Descriptions

Policy Name

Identifies the Event Policy to which the record applies.

Person Category

Identifies the type of user to which the record applies.

Person Category



The comment and reason code settings apply when the employee enters time in his/her own timecard.


The comment and reason code settings apply when a supervisor enters time on behalf of the employee (in a supervisory form).

Employee and Manager

The comment and reason code settings apply when the employee enters time in his/her own timecard AND when a supervisor enters time on behalf of the employee.


Available on Device

Indicates that the comment and reason code settings apply when posting/modifying time on the Web timecard.

Applicable Period

Indicates whether the comment and reason code prompts will be displayed in current, past, or future pay periods in the timecard.

For example, if you set Applicable Period to Past Only, the user will not be prompted to enter a comment or reason code when he or she add/modifies/deletes an event in the current or future pay periods in the timecard. The user will only be prompted to enter a comment or reason code when he or she add/modifies/deletes an event in a past pay period.

Available options are Current Only; Current and Future; Future Only; Past Only; Past and Current; and Past, Current, and Future.

Comment On Add

Indicates whether a comment is required or optional when adding the event.




The Comment field is not available when adding the event.

Enabled - Optional

The Comment field is available when adding the event but the user is not required to enter one.

Enabled - Required

The Comment field is available when adding the event and the user is required to enter one.


Comment On Modify

Indicates whether a comment is required or optional when modifying the event.




The Comment field is not available when modifying the event.

Enabled - Optional

The Comment field is available when modifying the event but the user is not required to enter one.

Enabled - Required

The Comment field is available when modifying the event and the user is required to enter one.


Comment On Delete

Indicates whether a comment is required or optional when deleting the event.




The Comment field is not available when deleting the event.

Enabled - Optional

The Comment field is available when deleting the event but the user is not required to enter one.

Enabled - Required

The Comment field is available when deleting the event and the user is required to enter one.


Reason On Add

Indicates whether a reason code is required or optional when adding the event.




The Reason Code field is not available when adding the event.

Enabled - Optional

The Reason Code field is available when adding the event but the user is not required to select one.

Enabled - Required

The Reason Code field is available when adding the event and the user is required to select one.


Reason On Modify

Indicates whether a reason code is required or optional when modifying the event.




The Reason Code field is not available when modifying the event.

Enabled - Optional

The Reason Code field is available when modifying the event but the user is not required to select one.

Enabled - Required

The Reason Code field is available when modifying the event and the user is required to select one.


Reason On Delete

Indicates whether a reason code is required or optional when deleting the event.




The Reason Code field is not available when deleting the event.

Enabled - Optional

The Reason Code field is available when deleting the event but the user is not required to select one.

Enabled - Required

The Reason Code field is available when deleting the event and the user is required to select one.


Charge Group

The Charge Group determines which reason codes can be selected from the Reason Code field. A Charge Group of type REASON is a collection of reason codes (which are defined on the Charge Code form).

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find an Event's Comment/Reason Code Settings

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Events.

  2. Select the Event with the Comment/Reason Code settings you want to view.

  3. Click the Comment/Reason Code tab.

  4. To narrow your search, you can select a Policy Name. When you click Find, only settings defined for this policy will display.

  5. Click Find.


Add Comment/Reason Code Settings for an Event

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Events.

  2. Select the Event to which you want to apply Comment/Reason Code settings.

  3. Click the Comment/Reason Code tab.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Select a Policy Name. Available options are defined on the Event Policy form.

  6. The Event field displays the name of the event you selected on the Events form.

  7. Select the Person Category for which these settings apply.

  8. The Available on Device field will be set to WEB.

  9. Applicable Period indicates whether the comment and reason code prompts will be displayed in current, past, or future pay periods in the timecard.

  10. From the Comment on Add/Modify/Delete and Reason on Add/Modify/Delete fields, select whether the comment or reason code is enabled, optional or required when adding, deleting, or modifying the event.

  11. Select the Charge Group that contains the reason codes you want to associate with this event. You select the Charge Groups on the Comments/Reason Codes tab by moving them from the AVAILABLE box to the SELECTED box. You remove Charge Groups by moving them from the SELECTED box to the AVAILABLE box.

    A Charge Group of type REASON is a collection of reason codes (which are defined on the Charge Code form). You must configure these Charge Codes and Charge Groups in order to select them as options on the Comments/Reason Codes tab.

  12. If you want to add more than one Comment/Reason Code setting, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Add Comment/Reason Code pop-up form open. Or click Save to save your setting and return to the main form.


Modify an Event's Comment/Reason Code Settings

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Events.

  2. Select the Event with the Comment/Reason Code settings you want to modify.

  3. Click the Comment/Reason Code tab.

  4. Find and select the record you want to modify and click Modify.

  5. You can modify all the fields except Policy Name and Event.

  6. Click Save when you are finished.


Delete an Event's Comment/Reason Code Settings

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Events.

  2. Select the Event with the Comment/Reason Code settings you want to delete.

  3. Click the Comment/Reason Code tab.

  4. Find and select the record you want to delete and click Delete.

  5. Click OK to confirm the action.