
Comments and Reason Codes

You can configure the system to allow or require employees and supervisors to submit reason codes and/or comments when an event is added, modified, or deleted on the Web timecard.

If an event is configured to prompt the user for a comment or reason code, the Comment and/or Reason Code fields will display with the other event prompts on the Web timecard. You can configure the event to allow or require comments and reason codes when the event is added, modified, or deleted.

Once the event is saved, the comments and reason codes will display in the Comment, Comment/Reason/Desc, Reason Code, and Reason Code/Desc columns on the Daily tab of the timecard.

Note: If you are prompted for a comment or reason code after clicking Delete All, the comment and/or reason code you enter will be applied to all the applicable events.

You can modify comments and reason codes by clicking the icon on the Daily tab of the Supervisor Review or Self Service timecard.


See Also:

License Requirements

Defining Reason Codes

Enabling Comments and Reason Codes for Events

Configuration to Modify Comments and Reason Codes in Daily Time Card

Add Comment and Reason Code Columns to Daily Time Card

Require Comments and Reason Codes on 9-80 Split Days


License Requirements

This feature requires the following:

To check if the module is included in your license and enabled:

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > System > Licensing.

  2. On the License Modules tab, select Comments and Reason Code Forms under the Module Name column.

  3. Ensure that the following check boxes are selected: Licensed and Module Enabled.


Defining Reason Codes

Reason codes are defined on the Charge Code form and assigned to a Charge Group on the Charge Group form. The Charge Group is then assigned to an event via the Event Policy or the Comment/Reason Code tab on the Events form.


Enabling Comments and Reason Codes for Events

To configure events to allow/require comments and reason codes, use the Event Policy form or the Comment/Reason Code tab on the Events form. The Comment/Reason Code tab on the Events form will only configure one event at a time. On the Event Policy form, you can configure multiple events. When you change an event’s comment/reason code settings on the Event Policy form, the same settings will be updated on the Comment/Reason Code tab for the event (and vice versa).

Event Policy rules are always based on the employee's Event Policy. When a supervisor posts an event on behalf of an employee, the employee's Event Policy determines if the supervisor will be prompted for a comment and/or reason code.


Configuration to Modify Comments and Reason Codes in Daily Timecard

You can add, modify, and delete an event's comments and reason codes in the Daily tab of the timecard by clicking the icon next to the event name. This icon will display a pop-up form where you can edit the event's comments and reason codes.

To make the icon display in the Daily timecard and display the Comment/Reason Code pop-up form, you must enable the appropriate items in the employee or supervisor's Security Role. The event must also be configured to allow comments and reason codes.

Note: The supervisor timecards (Supervisor Review, Labor Review) use the Security Role that is assigned to the supervisor who is viewing the employee timecards.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Security > Security Roles.

  2. Select the Security Role Name you want to modify and click Find.

    The Security Role Name displays in the middle of the form.

    To allow editing of comments and reason codes in the Supervisor Review timecards (Current Situation and Time Card Review Daily tabs):

  3. Click the and buttons to go to Manage: Supervisor Review: Current Situation: Daily.

  4. Make sure the Comment/Reason Code form is selected. This setting will make the Comment/Reason Code pop-up form display when you click the icon next to the event in the Daily timecard. You can also select or deselect the Delete, Modify, Add, and Find actions for this form.

  5. Make sure the Comments Reason Code action is selected. This setting will make the icon display next to events that have comments/reason codes enabled.

  6. Click Save when you are done.

    To allow editing of comments and reason codes in the Daily tab of the Self Service Time Card:

  7. If necessary, select the Security Role for which you want to modify the Self Service Time Card.

  8. Click the and buttons to go to Self Service: Time Card: Daily.

  9. Make sure the Comment/Reason Code form and the Comments Reason Code action are selected (see above).

  10. Click Save when you are done.


Add Comment and Reason Code Columns to Daily Time Card

The Comment, Reason Code, Comment/Reason/Desc, and Reason Code/Desc columns on the Daily tab of the timecard display the comments and reason codes that were entered when the event was added, modified, or deleted.

On the Form Profile form, you can enable these fields for the Daily tab of the Supervisor Review timecard and the Self Service Time Card.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Form Profile.

  2. Select a custom Form Profile from the Form Profile Name field.

    The DEFAULT Form Profile cannot be modified. However, you can copy the DEFAULT Form Profile and modify the new record.

  3. On the left area of the screen, navigate to the Daily tab of the Supervisor Review timecard or the Self Service Time Card.

  4. Navigate to the Resultset Fields area in the Form Profile Detail section.

  5. Select the following records while pressing the CTRL key:

    Comment (text_comment)

    Comment/Reason/ Desc (comment_reason_code_description)

    Reason Code reason_code)

    Reason Code/ Desc (reason_code_description)

  6. Move these fields to the Selected area.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Repeat these steps to enable the Comment and Reason Code columns on the Daily tab of another timecard (Labor Review, Current Situation, Time Card Review, or Self Service).


Require Comments and Reason Codes on 9-80 Split Days

A person’s Event Policy (or an event’s Comment/Reason Code settings) will determine whether comments and reason codes will be required in current, past, or future pay periods.

If a person has a 9-80 schedule, however, the split day in the schedule may have event postings for the previous period and the current period. Whether or not comments and reason codes are required on the split day will depend on several factors.

When you modify or delete an elapsed event on a split day, the event’s post date is already defined. The system can tell whether the event was posted to the current period or the previous period, and comments/reason codes will be required accordingly.

When you add an event on a split day, the system initially will not know whether the event is for the current period or the previous period. Therefore, the appearance of the Comment and Reason Code prompts will be based on the strictest setting for either half of the split day. However, the event’s Half Indicator prompt will determine if you actually have to select a comment or reason code in order to save the event.

For example, an event requires a reason code when added to a previous period, but not when added to the current period. When you add the event on a split day, the system will use the strictest comment/reason code setting of the two periods. In this case, the previous period has the stricter setting, requiring reason codes. The Reason Code prompt will therefore display with an asterisk * indicating it is a required prompt.

However, the Half Indicator prompt you select will determine if you actually have to select a reason code in order to save the event. If you select First Half as your Half Indicator, the system knows the event is for the previous period. Reason codes are required for the previous period, so you must select a reason code to save the event. If you select Second Half as your Half Indicator, the system knows the event is for the current period. Reason codes are not required for the current period and you will be able to save the event without selecting a reason code.