
Charge Code

Charge Codes are used to configure values that can be applied towards transactions on the client terminal and Web timecard.

The available Charge Code Types are Indirect Charge Codes, Reason Codes, Reject Codes, Scrap Codes, and Overtime Refusal Codes.

You can also add, modify, copy, and delete Indirect Charge Codes using the Indirect Charge Policy form.

Note: This form requires the Charge Element Forms module to be licensed and enabled.

See Also:

Charge Code Field Descriptions

Add a Charge Code

Copy a Charge Code

Modify a Charge Code

Delete a Charge Code


Charge Code Field Descriptions

Charge Code Type

Charge Code Types are used to group the various charge codes you may have in the application. The types are used by the various modules/features in the system. For example, the Indirect Charge Reference feature uses only INDIRECT charge codes, while the Comments and Reason Codes feature uses only REASON codes.

The available Charge Code Types are:

INDIRECT - Indirect Charge codes are used in events of type LABOR:INDIRECT. When a user posts an event with type LABOR:INDIRECT, the system will charge the event to the charge element that has been mapped to the indirect charge code based on the rules in the user's Indirect Charge Policy.

REASON - Reason Codes apply when a user posts a transaction on the timecard and is prompted to select a reason for the transaction. You can assign codes with type REASON to a Charge Group via the Charge Group form. The specific charge groups the user may select from are defined in the user's Event Policy.

REJECT - Reject codes are used when a labor event is posted with a Quantity Rejected greater than 0. These values will display when the F_REJECT_REASON prompt is included with the event.

SCRAP - Scrap codes are used when a labor event is posted with a Quantity Scrapped greater than 0.

OT_REFUSAL - Overtime Refusal Codes are used when employees refuse an overtime offering and their OT Response Policy lists Refusal Code as Mandatory or Optional.

Charge Code Value

Name of the Charge Code.


Description of the Charge Code.

Data Group Type

A common name for the data group the code is associated with.

Data Group Name

Identifies the Data Group with which the Charge Code is associated.

Sender Name

Identifies the interface the data group originates from.

Record Status

Identifies if this record is active or inactive.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Add a Charge Code

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Code and click Add.

  2. Select a Charge Code Type (INDIRECT, OT_REFUSAL, REASON, REJECT, or SCRAP).

  3. Enter a Charge Code Value.

  4. Enter a Description.

  5. Select the Record Status (Active or Inactive).

  6. To continue adding charge codes, click Save and Add. Click Save when you are done.


Copy a Charge Code

Note: This function is recommended when you want to create multiple records that have many but not all values in common. The system does not allow duplicate Charge Code records.

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Code.

  2. Select the record you want to duplicate and click Copy.

  3. Modify the Charge Code Type, Charge Code Value, Description, and Record Status.

  4. Click Save when you are done.


Modify a Charge Code

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Code.

  2. Select the record you want to change and click Modify.

  3. Modify the fields and click Save.


Delete a Charge Code

You cannot delete charge codes that are referenced in the application (for example, it is referenced in the trans_action table or in an Event Policy).

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Code.

  2. Select the record you want to delete and click Delete.

  3. Click OK to confirm the action.