Comments and Reason Code tab

The Comments and Reason Code tab on the Event Policy form applies to the Comments and Reason Codes feature. It determines if a user can, cannot, or must enter a comment and/or reason code to explain why a specific event is added, adjusted, or deleted on the Web timecard. You also identify the codes that can be used and the type of users to which the rules apply.

The Applicable Period setting determines whether the user will be prompted for comments and reason codes in the current, past, or future pay periods. For example, you may use this setting to restrict comments and reason codes to past pay periods only.

You can also change the comment and reason code settings for a single event using the Comment/Reason Code tab in the Events form. However, the rules you configure in the Events form only apply to one event at a time. In the Event Policy form, you can configure multiple events at once.

Note: The SYSTEM_DEFAULT Event Policy does not prompt users for comments or reason codes. To modify the settings in the default policy, see Modify a Comment/Reason Code Setting in an Event Policy.

See Also:

Comments and Reason Code tab - Field Descriptions

Find the Comment/Reason Code Settings in an Event Policy

Add Comment/Reason Code Settings to an Event Policy

Copy a Comment/Reason Code Setting in an Event Policy

Modify a Comment/Reason Code Setting in an Event Policy

Delete a Comment/Reason Code Setting from an Event Policy


Comments and Reason Code tab - Field Descriptions

Policy Name

Name of the Event Policy. You can find, add, copy, and delete these Policy Names by clicking the button next to the Policy Name field and selecting Add, Lookup, or Maintain.


Identifies the event to which the comment and reason code settings in this policy apply.

Person Category

Identifies the type of user to which the comment and reason code settings in this policy apply.

Employee: The settings apply when the employee enters time in his/her own timecard.

Manager: The settings apply when a manager enters time on behalf of the employee (e.g., on the Current Situation form).

Employee and Manager: The settings apply to employees and managers.

Available on Device

Indicates that the comment and reason code settings for the event will affect the Web timecard.

Applicable Period

Indicates whether the comment and reason code prompts will be displayed in current, past, or future pay periods in the timecard.

For example, if you set Applicable Period to Past Only, the user will not be prompted to enter a comment or reason code when he or she add/modifies/deletes an event in the current or future pay periods in the timecard. The user will only be prompted to enter a comment or reason code when he or she add/modifies/deletes an event in a past pay period.

Available options are Current Only; Current and Future; Future Only; Past Only; Past and Current; and Past, Current, and Future.

Comment On Add

Indicates whether the user can or must enter a comment when adding the event.

Disabled: User cannot enter a comment when adding the event.

Enabled - Optional: A comment is optional when adding the event.

Enabled - Required: A comment is required when adding the event.

Comment On Modify

Indicates whether the user can or must enter a comment when modifying the event.

Disabled: User cannot enter a comment when modifying the event.

Enabled - Optional: A comment is optional when modifying the event.

Enabled - Required: A comment is required when modifying the event.

Comment On Delete

Indicates whether the user can or must enter a comment when deleting the event.

Disabled: User cannot enter a comment when deleting the event.

Enabled - Optional: A comment is optional when deleting the event.

Enabled - Required: A comment is required when deleting the event.

Reason On Add

Indicates whether the user can or must use a reason code when adding the event.

Disabled: User cannot enter a reason code when adding the event.

Enabled - Optional: A reason code is optional when adding the event.

Enabled - Required: A reason code is required when adding the event.

Reason On Modify

Indicates whether the user can or must provide a reason code when modifying the event.

Disabled: User cannot enter a reason code when modifying the event.

Enabled - Optional: A reason code is optional when modifying the event.

Enabled - Required: A reason code is required when modifying the event.

Reason On Delete

Indicates whether the user can or must provide a reason code when deleting the event.

Disabled: User cannot enter a reason code when deleting the event.

Enabled - Optional: A reason code is optional when deleting the event.

Enabled - Required: A reason code is required when deleting the event.

Charge Group

A Charge Group is a collection of Charge Codes that can be used as reason codes for the Event. These codes are configured on the Charge Code form and associated to a group via the Charge Group form.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find the Comment/Reason Code Settings in an Event Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Event Policy.

  2. Go to the Comments and Reason Code tab.

  3. You can filter the existing records by selecting values from the Policy Name and Person Category fields.

  4. Click Find once you have made your selection.

    The comment and reason code settings for the policies will appear in the grid section of the form.


Add Comment/ Reason Code Settings to an Event Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Event Policy.

  2. On the Comments and Reason Code tab, select a Policy Name.

    If you want to define a new Policy Name, click the button next to the Policy Name field and choose Add from the pop-up menu.

  3. Select the Events to which the rules apply.

    You select the Events by moving them from the Available box to the Selected box. You remove Events by moving them from the Selected box to the Available box.

  4. Select the users for whom these settings will apply from the Person Category field.

  5. The Available on Device field will be set to WEB.

  6. Applicable Period indicates whether the comment and reason code prompts will be displayed in current, past, or future pay periods in the timecard.

  7. From the Comment On and Reason On fields, select the option that indicates whether a comment or reason code will be disabled, optional, or required when adding, modifying, or deleting the Event.

  8. Select the Charge Groups that contain the reason codes you want to associate with this Event. Reason codes are defined on the Charge Code form and assigned to a Charge Group via the Charge Group form.

    You select the charge groups by moving them from the Available box to the Selected box. You remove charge groups by moving them from the Selected box to the Available box

  9. Click Save when you are finished.

    The Comments and Reason Code form will display one record for each Event you selected.


Copy a Comment/Reason Code Setting in an Event Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Event Policy.

  2. Go to the Comments and Reason Code tab.

  3. Select the Policy Name that contains the settings you want to copy.

  4. On the grid section of the form, select the Event record that contains the setting you want to copy.

  5. Click Copy.

  6. Modify any fields that you want to change. For example, you can select another Policy Name and/or Event to which this rule should apply.

  7. Click Save when you are finished.


Modify a Comment/Reason Code Setting in an Event Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Event Policy.

  2. Go to the Comments and Reason Code tab.

  3. Select the Policy Name that contains the settings you want to modify.

  4. On the grid section of the form, select the Event record that contains the setting you want to modify.

  5. Click Modify.

  6. Change the settings as necessary.

  7. Click Save when you are finished.


Delete a Comment/Reason Code Setting from an Event Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Event Policy.

  2. Go to the Comments and Reason Code tab.

  3. Select the Policy Name that contains the setting you want to delete.

  4. On the grid section of the form, select the Event record that contains the setting you want to delete.

  5. Click Delete.

  6. Click OK to confirm the action.