
Dictionary Label

The Dictionary Label form is used to modify the labels that display on buttons, messages, field names, and form names in the application.

To change these labels, you must first create a custom dictionary using the Dictionary form.

Custom dictionaries are used to change the display of button and field names according to who is using the application. A different custom dictionary can be assigned to different groups of employees. For example, you may want to display fields in English for one group of employees, but display them in German for another group of employees. Or, you may want to keep the fields in English, but change their names slightly for some employees.

Once you have created your custom dictionary, you can change the labels that displays on buttons, messages, field names, and form names using the Dictionary Label form. You can also import labels into a custom dictionary.

A Dictionary can be assigned to an Employee, Employee Group, Terminal Profile, or System Setting. The Dictionary Employee setting overrides the Dictionary Employee Group setting. The Dictionary Employee Group setting overrides the Dictionary Terminal Profile setting. The Dictionary Terminal Profile setting overrides the Dictionary System Setting. Users can also select a Dictionary when they Log In to the application. This selection will override the Dictionary assigned to them via the System Settings, Employee, or Employee Group form.

Note: The default dictionary that is assigned to all users in System Settings is DEFAULT-EN-US (English language dictionary). If you do not create and assign any custom dictionaries, the system uses the DEFAULT-EN-US dictionary to display the buttons and field names in the application.

See Also:

Dictionary Label Field Descriptions

Modify a Dictionary Label


Dictionary Label Field Descriptions

Dictionary Name

Name of the custom dictionary to which the label belongs. These custom dictionaries are defined on the Dictionary form.

The system comes with several pre-defined custom dictionaries:

DEFAULT-DE-DE (German Dictionary)

DEFAULT-EN-US (English Dictionary)

DEFAULT-ES-ES (Spanish Dictionary)

DEFAULT-FR-FR (French Dictionary)

DEFAULT-ZH-CN (Chinese Dictionary)

Module Name

Type of module to which the label belongs.

Module Name



The label is a button, field or message on a B-Client XML1 terminal (9520).


The label is a button, field or message on a B-Client XML10 terminal (9300 or 9500).


The label is a button, field or message on a B-Client XML3 terminal (9540).


The label is a button, field, or message on Kaba Terminal 9700.


The label is a button, field or message on a B-Client XML5 terminal (9580)


The label is a button, field, or message on an XML mobile client.


The label is a button, field, or message on a LANpoint Windows CE terminal.


The labels used in this module represent the values used in the following forms:

Message Log form: The specific fields are Message Status and Message Type.

Calc Rule form: The instructions that appear when you add/modify the IF and THEN clauses.


The label is a button, field, or form name in the application.


The label is a field or button on the client for BlackBerry mobile phones.


The label is for a message or response in a dialog message. These items are defined on the Dialog Element form.


The label is a button, field, or message on an InTouch terminal.


The label is a message that displays on  client terminal and/or the web application.


The label applies to the text in a system, exception, or trigger message sent to a terminal or via email. See Messaging for more information.


The label is a prompt or event on a client terminal.


The label is a button, field, or message on the Web Time Clock.


Label Type

Indicates where the text of this label will be displayed. The available options depend on the Module Name you selected.

Label Type



Text that appears in a button on a client terminal (used only in combination with the XMLLCE module).

Email Header Label

Text that appears in the header of the email. Included with MESSAGING labels.

Email Subject Label

Text that appears in the subject line of the email. Included with MESSAGING labels.

Email Text Label

Text that appears in the body of the email, below the Email Header Label. Included with MESSAGING labels.

Email Trailer Label

Text that appears below the body of the email (after the Email Text Label). Included with MESSAGING labels.

Event Label

The label is an event button on a client terminal (used only in combination with the PVE module).

Field Label

The label is a field name that appears on various web forms.

Form Heading Label

Text that appears in the title of a web form.


Text that appears in a message that displays on a client terminal and/or the web application.

Prompt Label

The label is a prompt on a client terminal.

Terminal Text Label

Actual text of the message that appears on the client terminal. Included with MESSAGING labels.


Label Name

An identifying name of the record. In the MESSAGING module, a Label Name can have multiple Label Types (Email Header, Email Subject, etc.).

Long Label

Each Label Name/Label Type has a Short Label and a Long Label. The system will select which label to use based on the size of the button or field. For the DIALOG or MESSAGING module, the Long Label can be up to 2000 characters long. For all other modules, the Long Label can be up to 255 characters long.

Short Label

Each Label Name/Label Type has a Short Label and a Long Label. The system will select which label to use based on the size of the button or field. The Short Label can be up to 20 characters long.

System Required

This record is system required and cannot be modified. You can make a copy of the record, however, and modify the new record.


Modify a Dictionary Label

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Dictionary Label.

  2. Select the Dictionary Name for the custom dictionary that contains label you want to modify.

  3. You can also use the Module Name and Label Type fields to narrow your search.

  4. If you know the Label Name, Long Label, or Short Label you want to modify, you can enter it in these fields. You can use the * or % wildcard symbol in these fields to search using partial values. The wildcard symbol can be placed anywhere in your search value to represent unknown characters. For example, enter S* to find the options that begin with S. Enter S*E to find the options that begin with S and end with E. Enter *INVALID* to find the options that contain the word INVALID.

  5. Click Find.

  6. Select the label in the grid.

  7. You can edit the Long Label and/or Short Label directly in the grid. Or, click Modify to display a pop-up form for editing these values. Enter the new Long Label and/or Short Label and click Save. Special characters are not allowed.