
The Dictionary form is used to add, modify, and delete custom dictionaries.

To open this form, click the button next to the Dictionary Name field on the Dictionary Label form and select Add, Lookup, or Maintain.

Note: Custom dictionaries will not be overwritten when you upgrade your application.

See Also:

Dictionary Field Descriptions

Add a Custom Dictionary

Copy a Custom Dictionary

Change the Description and Alternate Dictionary of a Custom Dictionary

Delete a Custom Dictionary

Lookup a Custom Dictionary

Using an Alternate Dictionary


Dictionary Field Descriptions

Dictionary Name

Name of the custom dictionary.

Base Dictionary Name

The Base Dictionary Name acts as a template for the custom dictionary. When you create a new custom dictionary, select the Base Dictionary Name that corresponds to the language of your custom dictionary.

Dictionary Name



English dictionary.

This template is the Base Dictionary for the DEFAULT-EN-US dictionary. DEFAULT-EN-US is the default dictionary assigned to all users in System Settings. If you do not create and assign any custom dictionaries, the system uses the DEFAULT-EN-US dictionary to display the buttons and field names in the application.



German dictionary.



Spanish dictionary.



French dictionary.



Chinese dictionary.




A description of the custom dictionary.


When you are creating a new dictionary, select a Locale that corresponds to the language of your dictionary.

Alternate Dictionary

An Alternate Dictionary can be used to override the dictionary specified in a Terminal Profile. This configuration may be useful when multiple Terminal Types use the same Terminal Profile, but you want to use an alternate dictionary for some of the terminals. An Alternate Dictionary may be used on terminals that do not support the full version of a particular dictionary. On these terminals, the characters may not display correctly.

The Alternate Dictionary you specify in the Dictionary form will be used on a terminal that has the Terminal Type Setting USE_ALTERNATE_DICTIONARY set to True.

See “Using an Alternate Dictionary” below for more information.

System Required

If this box is checked, the dictionary is system required. You cannot delete a System Required dictionary or edit its labels.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Add a Custom Dictionary

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Dictionary Label.

  2. Click the button next to the Dictionary Name field and select Add from the pop-up menu.

  3. Enter the Dictionary Name and Description.

  4. Select the Base Dictionary Name that corresponds to the language of your custom dictionary.

  5. If you want certain terminals to use an Alternate Dictionary instead of the Dictionary you are defining in this record, select the Alternate Dictionary from the drop down list. See “Using an Alternate Dictionary” below for more information.

  6. If you want to add more than one custom dictionary, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Dictionary window open. Or click Save to save your custom dictionary and return to the Dictionary Label form.

You can now modify the labels in this dictionary using the Dictionary Label form.


Copy a Custom Dictionary

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Dictionary Label.

  2. Click the button next to the Dictionary Name field and select Maintain from the pop-up menu.

  3. Select the dictionary that you want to copy values from and click Copy.

  4. Enter a new Dictionary Name (you cannot save duplicate copies).

  5. Click Save.

You can now modify the labels in this dictionary using the Dictionary Label form.


Change the Description and Alternate Dictionary of a Custom Dictionary

Note: To modify the labels in a custom dictionary, use the Dictionary Label form.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Dictionary Label.

  2. Click the button next to the Dictionary Name field and select Maintain from the pop-up menu.

  3. Select a dictionary and click Modify.

  4. In the Modify Dictionary window, you can change the Description and Alternate Dictionary.

  5. Click Save.


Delete a Custom Dictionary

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Dictionary Label.

  2. Click the button next to the Dictionary Name field and select Maintain from the pop-up menu.

  3. Select a custom dictionary and click Delete.

  4. Click OK to return to the Dictionary Label form.


Lookup a Custom Dictionary

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Dictionary Label.

  2. Click the button next to the Dictionary Name field and select Lookup from the pop-up menu.

  3. Select the dictionary you want to view or modify. You can select the Dictionary Name from the drop-down list or click the Dictionary Name in the grid.

  4. Click OK to return to the Dictionary Label form. If you looked up a custom dictionary, you can modify the labels in the dictionary.


Using an Alternate Dictionary

An Alternate Dictionary can be used to override the dictionary specified in a Terminal Profile. This configuration may be useful when multiple Terminal Types use the same Terminal Profile, but you want to use an alternate dictionary for some of the terminals.

The Alternate Dictionary you specify on the Dictionary form will be used on a terminal that has the Terminal Type Setting USE_ALTERNATE_DICTIONARY set to True.

An Alternate Dictionary may be used on terminals that do not support the full version of a particular dictionary. On these terminals, the characters may not display correctly.

For example, a company uses B-Net 9580 terminals and B-Web 9300 terminals. The same Terminal Profile is used for all the terminals; the Default Dictionary in this Terminal Profile is the Chinese Dictionary (DEFAULT_ZH_CN). The Alternate Dictionary for the Chinese Dictionary is defined (on the Dictionary form) as the English Dictionary (DEFAULT_EN_US).

Because the B-Web 9300 terminals do not support the full Chinese dictionary, this Terminal Type has the USE_ALTERNATE_DICTIONARY setting enabled.

The 9580 terminals will display labels in Chinese (using the Default Dictionary in the Terminal Profile). The 9300 terminals will display labels in English (using the Alternate Dictionary for the Chinese Dictionary, defined on the Dictionary form).

Note: If you change the USE_ALTERNATE_DICTIONARY setting for a Terminal Type, make sure you also click Update Server on the Terminal Profile form. This button will update the server with the new terminal settings. You must also select the terminals on the Terminal Monitor form and click Reload Configuration. This button will cause the terminal to download the new settings from the server.